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Package Contents 1 UH3238 USB-C Travel Dock with Power Pass-Through 1 user instructions Contents English Français Deutsch Español Italiano Русский Українська Português Türkçe Polski Română 日本語 한국어 简体中文 繁體中文 Scan for more information Support and Documentation Notice All information, documentation, firmware, software...
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UH3238 USB-C Travel Dock with Power Pass-Through Hardware Overview USB-C host connector 3.5 mm stereo 4-pole audio jack with microphone USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A port with 1.5A USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A port HDMI output port USB-C DC-in port (supports USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C port data...
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...
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Note: The USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package and the supported power profiles include: 5V, 9V, 15V, and 20V. Please check the USB-C charge rate of your laptop, the total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. Consideration iPad Smartphone...
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Station de voyage à transfert d’énergie et USB-C UH3238 Présentation du matériel Connecteur Hôte USB-C Fiche Audio 4-Pôles Stéréo 3,5 mm avec Microphone Port USB 3.2 Gen.1 Type-A 1,5A Port USB 3.2 Gen.1 Type-A Port de Sortie HDMI Port d’entrée-CC USB-C (supporte le transfert de données via port USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C)
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...
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: 5 V, 9 V, 15 V et 20 V. Veuillez vérifier le taux de charge admis par le port USB-C de votre ordinateur portable. Le temps de recharge total peut varier en fonction des appareils connectés à l’adaptateur UH3238. Consideration iPad...
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UH3238 USB-C Reisedock mit Strom Passthrough Hardware Übersicht USB-C Host Anschluss 3,5 mm Stereo 4-Pol Audio Buchse mit Mikrofon USB 3.2 Gen1 Typ-A Port mit 1,5A USB 3.2 Gen1 Typ-A Port HDMI Ausgang USB-C DC-Eingang Port (unterstützt USB 3.2 Gen1 Typ-C Port Datenübertragung)
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...
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Hinweis: Das USB-C-PD-Netzteil ist nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten, und die unterstützten Stromprofile umfassen: 5V, 9V, 15V, und 20V. Bitte prüfen Sie die USB-C-Ladegeschwindigkeit Ihres Laptops; die Gesamtladezeit kann je nach den an das UH3238 angeschlossenen Geräten variieren. Consideration iPad Smartphone...
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UH3238 Base de viaje USB-C con transferencia de energía Revisión del hardware Conector USB-C Host Conector de audio estéreo de 4 polos de 3,5 mm con micrófono Puerto USB 3.2 Gen1 Tipo A con 1,5 A Puerto USB 3.2 Gen1 Tipo A...
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...
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5 V, 9 V, 15 V y 20 V. Compruebe la velocidad de carga USB-C de su portátil, ya que el tiempo de carga total puede variar en función de los dispositivos conectados a la UH3238. Consideration iPad...
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Dock da viaggio UH3238 USB-C con pass-through di alimentazione Revisione Hardware Connettore host USB-C Cavo Audio Stereo a 4 poli da 3,5mm con Microfono Porte USB 3.2 Gen 1 tipo A 1,5A Porte USB 3.2 Gen 1 tipo A Porta di uscita HDMI Porta USB-C DC-in (supporta il trasferimento dati della porta USB 3.2 Gen1 di tipo C)
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...
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5 V, 9 V, 15 V e 20 V. Verificare la velocità di carica USB-C del laptop in uso, in quanto il tempo di ricarica totale può variare a seconda dei dispositivi collegati all'unità UH3238. Consideration iPad...
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Переносная док-станция UH3238 USB-C Travel Dock с функцией сквозного питания Обзор оборудования Разъем USB-C для хост-устройства 4-полюсный стереофонический разъем 3,5 мм с микрофоном Порт USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A с током 1,5А Порт USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A Выходной порт HDMI Порт USB-C DC-in (поддерживает обмен данными с портом...
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...
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Примечание. В комплект не входит блок питания USB-C PD. Поддерживаются следующие профили зарядки: 5 В, 9 В, 15 В и 20 В. Проверьте параметры зарядки своего ноутбука через USB-C. Итоговое время зарядки может отличаться в зависимости от устройств, подключенных к UH3238. Consideration iPad Smartphone...
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Портативна док-станція UH3238 з USB-C та подачею живлення Огляд обладнання Роз’єм USB-C комп’ютера 3,5-мм стереофонічний 4-контактне аудіогніздо з мікрофоном Порт USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A з 1,5 А Порт USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A Порт виходу HDMI Порт входу постійного струму USB-C (підтримує передавання...
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...
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входить у комплект, а підтримувані профілі живлення включають: 5 В, 9 В, 15 В і 20 В. Перевірте швидкість заряджання вашого ноутбука через порт USB-C. Загальний час заряджання може відрізнятися залежно від пристроїв, підключених до UH3238. Consideration iPad Smartphone 9 cm 9 cm Для...
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Base de ancoragem de viagem USB-C UH3238 com Carregamento Direto Revisão do Hardware Cabo de Ligação ao Computador USB-C Áudio Jack com microfone de 4 pólos estéreo 3,5 mm Porta USB 3.2 Gen1 Tipo A com 1.5A Porta USB 3.2 Gen1 Tipo A Porta de saída HDMI...
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...
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5 V, 9 V, 15 V e 20 V. Verifique a taxa de carga USB-C do seu computador portátil, o tempo total de carregamento pode variar dependendo dos dispositivos ligados ao UH3238. Consideration iPad...
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UH3238 USB-C Güç Geçişli Seyahat Bağlantı Noktası Takma Birimi Donanım İncelemesi USB-C Ana Makine Bağlayıcı 3,5 mm Stereo 4 Kutuplu Mikrofonlu Ses Jakı USB 3.2 1. Nesil 1,5A Tip A Bağlantı Noktası USB 3.2 1. Nesil Tip A Bağlantı Noktası...
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...
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Not: USB-C PD güç adaptörü ürüne dahil değildir ve desteklenen güç profilleri şunlardır: 5 V, 9 V, 15 V ve 20 V. Lütfen dizüstü bilgisayarınızın USB-C şarj hızını kontrol edin, toplam şarj süresi UH3238’e bağlı olan cihazlara göre değişiklik gösterebilir. Consideration...
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Przenośna stacja dokująca UH3238 USB-C z funkcją Power Pass- Through Przegląd sprzętu Złącze USB-C 3,5 mm 4-biegunowe stereofoniczne gniazdo audio z mikrofonem Port USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A 1,5 A Port USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A Port wyjściowy HDMI Port DC-in USB-C (obsługuje transfer danych USB 3.2 Gen1...
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...
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Uwaga: W zestawie nie ma zasilacza USB-C PD. Urządzenie może pracować na następujących napięciach: 5 V, 9 V, 15 V i 20 V. Sprawdź prąd ładowania komputera przenośnego przez port USB-C. Łączny czas ładowania może się różnić w zależności od liczby urządzeń podłączonych do UH3238. Consideration iPad Smartphone...
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Stație de andocare de călătorie USB-C UH3238 cu alimentare directă Prezentare hardware Conector gazdă USB-C Mufă jack audio stereo cu 4 pini de 3,5 mm cu microfon Port USB 3.2 Gen1 tip A de 1,5 A Port USB 3.2 Gen1 tip A Port ieșire HDMI...
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...
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5 V, 9 V, 15 V și 20 V. Vă rugăm să verificați rata de încărcare USB-C a laptopului dvs., timpul total de încărcare poate varia în funcție de dispozitivele conectate la UH3238. Consideration iPad...
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UH3238 USB-C トラベルドック(電源パススルー対応) 製品各部名称 USB-C ホストコネクター 3.5 mm ステレオ 4 極オーディオジャック、マイク付き 1.5A USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A ポート USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A ポート HDMI 出力ポート USB-C DC 入力ポート(USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C ポートデータ転送 に対応 ) 注意: 1. USB Type-A ポート× 2 の合計出力は最大 5V、9W です。...
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...
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UH3238 4- 포트 USB-C 도킹스테이션 ( 충전 포트 내장 ) 하드웨어 리뷰 USB-C 호스트 커넥터 3.5 mm 스테레오 4 극 마이크 오디오 잭 USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A 포트 (1.5A) USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A 포트 HDMI 출력 포트 USB-C DC 입력 (USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C 포트 데이터 전송 지원 ) 주의...
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...
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사항 ) USB-C 주변 장치를 여기에 연결할 수 있습니다 . 주의 : USB-C PD 파워 아답터는 패키지에 포함되어 있지 않으며 , 지 원되는 전력 프로파일은 하기와 같습니다 : 5V,9V,15V 및 20V. 노트북 의 USB-C 충전률을 확인하세요 . 총 충전 시간은 UH3238 에 연결된 주변기기에 따라 달라집니다 . Consideration...
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带充电功能的 UH3238 USB-C 旅行底座 硬件检视 USB-C 主机接头 3.5 mm 立体声 4 极音频插孔,带麦克风输入 1.5A USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A 端口 USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A 端口 HDMI 输出端口 USB-C DC 电源输入端口(支持 USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C 端口数据 传输 ) 注意: 1. 2 个 USB Type-A 端口的总输出电压为 5V。最大 9W。...
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...
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UH3238 USB-C 旅用充電擴充基座 硬體檢視 USB-C 主機接頭 3.5 mm 立體聲音訊連接埠(具麥克風功能) USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A 埠 (1.5A) USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A 埠 HDMI 輸出連接埠 USB-C DC 電源輸入連接埠(支援 USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C 連接埠 資料傳輸 ) 注意: 1. 2 個 USB Type-A 連接埠的總輸出電壓為 5V,最高 9W。...
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USB-C Audio Check USB-C charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3238. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Host Maximum HDMI Resolution DP 1.2 Alt mode supported 4K @ 30Hz DP 1.4 Alt mode supported...