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Liens rapides

H-7685, H-7686
H-9089, H-11158
DANGER! DO NOT contact live electrical wires, buried cables,
or underground gas lines during installation. Determine the
locations of all underground utility lines BEFORE beginning to
dig the hole for the bollard. Choose a location that is at least
3 feet away from all underground lines on all sides.
1. Determine ground level on bollard. Measure the
bollard from the top and mark the bollard at the
point that corresponds to the above ground height
of your bollard (36", 42", 48" or 60"). (See Figure 1)
Figure 1
Ground Level
2. Dig a hole for the below-ground portion. Remove
a 20 x 20 x 20" cube. This will contain the concrete
that will fix the bollard in position. (See Figure 2)
Ground Level
Figure 2
Above ground
3. Partially fill hole. Pour 3,000 psi compression rated
concrete into the hole until the top of the concrete
is a few inches from the top of the hole.
NOTE: Do not fill concrete to the top of hole
until bollard is set.
4. Set bollard. Press the bollard into the concrete. Make
sure that the mark on the bollard (indicating ground
level) aligns with the top of the hole. (See Figure 3)
NOTE: Be sure black cap is removed before
setting the bollard.
Figure 3
5. Fill the hole. Fill the hole the rest of the way, so the
top of the concrete matches the ground level mark
on the bollard.
6. Cap the bollard. If you are adding additional
concrete do so now. Otherwise, press the black cap
onto the opening at the top of the bollard.
Para Español, vea página 2.
Pour le français, consulter la page 3.
Ground level mark
0224 IH-7685



Sommaire des Matières pour Uline H-7685

  • Page 1 Para Español, vea página 2. Pour le français, consulter la page 3. H-7685, H-7686 1-800-295-5510 H-9089, H-11158 uline.com POUR-IN-PLACE SAFETY BOLLARDS DANGER! DO NOT contact live electrical wires, buried cables, or underground gas lines during installation. Determine the locations of all underground utility lines BEFORE beginning to dig the hole for the bollard.
  • Page 2 H-7685, H-7686 800-295-5510 H-9089, H-11158 uline.mx POSTE DE SEGURIDAD DE INSTALACIÓN SUBTERRÁNEA ¡PELIGRO! NO haga contacto con cables eléctricos con corriente, cables enterrados o líneas de gas subterráneas durante la instalación. Determine las ubicaciones de todas las líneas subterráneas de servicios ANTES de comenzar a excavar el agujero para el poste.
  • Page 3 H-7685, H-7686 1-800-295-5510 H-9089, H-11158 uline.ca BORNES DE SÉCURITÉ COULÉES SUR PLACE DANGER! L'article NE DOIT PAS entrer en contact direct avec ARRÊT les fils électriques, les câbles enterrés ou les conduites de gaz souterraines lors de l'installation. Repérez l'emplacement de tous les câbles de service public AVANT de commencer...

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