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Joyello PAPPAORA JL-966 Mode D'emploi page 3


Questo dispositivo è conforme a tutte le direttive europee applicabili.
L'apparecchio, incluse le sue parti removibili e accessori, al termine della vita utile
non deve essere smaltito insieme ai rifiuti urbani ma in conformità alla direttiva
europea. Dovendo essere trattato separatamente dai rifiuti domestici, deve essere
conferito in un centro di raccolta differenziata per apparecchiature elettriche ed
elettroniche oppure riconsegnato al rivenditore al momento dell'acquisto di una nuova
apparecchiatura equivalente. In caso di trasgressione sono previste severe sanzioni.
Tutte le indicazioni e i disegni si basano sulle ultime informazioni disponibili al momento della stampa del
manuale e possono essere soggette a variazioni.
We thank you for having purchased the Car Bottle Warmer. Before starting using this
appliance, it is advisable to read carefully this instruction manual. It is also advisable to save
this manual for a future use.
Use this appliance only for the purposes shown in this instruction manual. Any other usages
should be considered dangerous. The product should only be connected to a 12V cigarette
lighter; please check always that the voltage corresponds to the one shown on the unit
rating label. Always unplug the product after every usage, before cleaning it, or in case it
does not work properly. Never use the product in case the power cable has been damaged
and/or the product has been damaged or it does not work properly. In case of damages to
the correct product functioning always address to specialised centre. Never try to repair the
product by yourself; otherwise the warranty will be not valid anymore.
Attention: the product is not a toy and should be kept out of the children's reach, place
it always out of their reach and never leave it unattended.
Always place and store the product away from heating sources, sunlight, dampness and
sharp objects.
Fill the baby bottle with freshly prepared food and close it. Place the baby bottle in the
Car Baby BottleWarmer and close the bag by the zip. Connect the product to a 12 Volt
cigarette lighter. The food is uniformly warmed up within 30-40 minutes. Please always
check the correct temperature before feeding your baby. Simply pull out the plug and
store in the plug bag when transporting the baby bottle.The Car Baby's Bottle Warmer
can be easily attached to children pram or buggy with the velcro. This protects the food
from cooling. When the unit is connected to the car plug, it is necessary to pay particular
attention. Moreover the unit can be used to keep warm bottles, cans and small jars.
Note: the product functions only when connected to the 12V outlet of the vehicle's
cigarette lighter.



Produits Connexes pour Joyello PAPPAORA JL-966

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Pappaora jl-967