Mobilex A/S
Grønlandsvej 5
DK-8660 Skanderborg
1. Introduction
Thank you for buying a high-quality Mobilex product. These instructions of use contain a description and
important information about the use of the medical device. It is intended to help you to use the product correctly
and safely. It is very important to read the instructions carefully before using the device. Pay particular attention
to the safety guidelines and always follow them. Mobilex is constantly trying to improve and upgrade its
products. Therefore we reserve the right to change specifications and technical data of the product without
further notice.
Intended use of the device
The support belt with handles is a medical device intended to be used in any situation where the caregiver needs a
firm grip in order to assist/support the patient. Such situations may include helping the patient to move from sitting
to standing position, and vice versa in the following instances: manual transfer from standing and sitting position
to/from bed, wheelchair, vehicle, toilet, etc. The Support belt can also be used to support the patient during walking
training. The Support belt has a broad contact surface and ergonomic handles, which provide a secure grip from all
angles. Easy to use from all sides. Easy to buckle and tighten.
Due to the wide range of possible applications, the indications cannot be tied to a specific clinical picture. The
transfer products are indicated for multiple applications such as: positioning and/or transferring of patients with
severely restricted mobility, positioning and/or transferring of patients who are highly sensitive to pain,
elevating/lifting patients to different heights etc. Proper application of the transfer products decreases patient
discomfort, increases patient safety and makes work of caregivers much easier, eliminating the risk of injuries.
Contraindications cannot be related to one specific clinical picture, and they depend on individual evaluation of
potential user's health status. The choice of orthopedic aid appropriate for a given clinical picture must be always
made with the help of a specialist physician or physiotherapist. In addition, observe the safety information in
Chapter 2.
Areas of use
The product can be used in home care, health and long-term care facilities, and hospitals.
Medical incidents and unwanted events
In case of any unwanted events related to the device, please contact the dealer or manufacturer:
Mobilex A/S
Grønlandsvej 5
DK-8660 Skanderborg
2. Safety requirements
• Make sure that this manual has been read by all
persons using the device.
• The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for
damage and/or injury resulting from failure to follow
the operating instructions.
• Only use the product in a flawless condition.
• If
immediately stop using the device and contact the
• Follow
• Be aware of the information on the product label.
• Only use the product for the described purpose.
Parts supplied
The device is supplied in a carton box. The contents of the package are:
1 Support belt;
1 User manual;
Preliminary check
Check the contents of the box with the list above. If at this stage you discover that a part is missing or damaged,
contact your supplier immediately.
Rev. 11-24
+45 87 93 22 20
+45 87 93 17 77
• Avoid making constructive changes to the device,
unless you have the manufacturer's written acceptance
for such modifications.
• The device must not be loaded with more weight than
indicated in Technical data.
• Always check that the product is in good condition
without signs of tear and wear such as loose seams,
frays and material inconsistency.
• Always perform a risk assessment before starting the
specific repositioning session in order to make sure the
product model is correct and that the procedure is fully