Explanation of switches, buttons and jacks
TB 316
(1) Hz/%
For switching between frequency measure-
ment and duty cycle
(2) SEL button
Actuating the button switches the current
measurement function, e.g. From DC to AC
Depending on the function, actuation dis-
plays the maximum value or the minimum
value of the measurement.
(4) Input jack V/Ω
Red test lead for all types of signals sup-
ported by the instrument.
(5) Earth jack COM
Black test lead for all types of signals sup-
ported by the instrument.
(6) µA/mA jack
For current measurements up to 600 mA.
(7) 10 A jack
The 10 A jack must be used for current
measurements above 600 mA.
(8) ON/OFF switch / measurement func-
tion selection switch
Switches the instrument on. The measure-
ment function is selected depending on the
switch position.
(9) RAN
Actuation of the button selects the measure-
ment range manually.
(10) Hold/BL
Actuation of the button saves the measured
value in the display. Prolonged actuation of
the button switches on the display lighting.
(11) REL/APO
Actuation of the button activates relative
measurement. Prolonged actuation of the
button switches the Auto Power-Off function
on and off.
(12) Display
For reading off the measured values.