bit over time. Check and tighten the screws of the ceiling bracket, blades, motor cover, LED light kit or cover
if necessary.
Included by default in the box : 2 tubes of 13 and 25 cm.
If your ceiling is too high, 2 optional down rods are available :
Down rod 90 cm grey (Ø 21 mm) : Reference RA90GR
Down rod 120 cm grey (Ø 21 mm) : Reference RA120GR
The 90 or 120 cm down rod replaces the 13 or 25 cm tube. You cannot assemble your new down rod with
your existing tube.
To install your new down rod, refer to the ASSEMBLY section.
NOTE : Visit our Frequently Asked Questions section on our website ( for more
The ceiling fan (motor) starts and then stops after few seconds :
This is a safety mode of the receiver because the blades are not installed. Install the blades before using your
ceiling fan.
The light works but not the ceiling fan (motor) :
1. Check that the 3 wires and metal pins (pink / grey / red) of the corresponding connector are properly en-
gaged in the connector. If a wire is badly inserted in the connector, the receiver reacts by an error code. Push
on the wires if necessary to fully engage them in the connector.
2. The batteries may not be sufficiently charged and allow the light to be turned on / off only, but not the motor.
Check the battery status of your remote control. Change the batteries if necessary and your ceiling fan will
re-operate normally.
The ceiling fan (motor) works but not the light :
1. Check that the 3 wires and metal pins (yellow / black / white) of the corresponding connector are properly
engaged in the connector. If a wire is badly inserted in the connector, the receiver reacts by an error code.
Push on the wires if necessary to fully engage them in the connector.
2. The batteries may not be sufficiently charged and allow the motor to be turned on / off only, but not the
light. Check the battery status of your remote control. Change the batteries if necessary and your ceiling fan
will re-operate normally.
The ceiling fan no longer works :
1. Check the batteries status of your remote control. Change the batteries if necessary and your ceiling fan
will re-operate normally.
2. If, despite the changed batteries, your ceiling fan still does not work, check the condition of the circuit
breakers. If the ceiling fan circuit breaker is OFF, put it back to ON. If the circuit breaker trips OFF again, do
not touch it, leave the power off, and call a qualified electrician.