EN | produced by:
NL | geproduceerd door:
DE | hergestellt von:
FR | produit par:
ES | producido por:
IT | prodotto da:
DK | produceret af:
f in Hz
Frequency in Hertz.
H in dB
Attenuation value in predominantly high-frequency noise spectrum (f > 2000 Hz).
M in dB
Attenuation value in predominantly medium-frequency noise spectrum (f > 500 and f < 2000 Hz).
L in dB
Attenuation value in predominantly low-frequency noise spectrum (f < 500 Hz).
SNR in dB
Single Number Rating, to be deducted from C-weighted noise level.
Mf in dB
Average attenuation value at given frequency f in decibel.
Sf in dB
Standard deviation at given frequency f in decibel.
APVf in dB
Assumed Protection Value (Mf - 1x Sf ), at given frequency f in decibel.
Specifications: The European type certification inspecation was performed according:
EN 352-2: 2002 | by IFA, 53757 Sankt Augustin, Kenn.no.: 0121, Germany.
en 352
*EN 352 gilt nicht für / does not apply to: ER9
f in Hz
Frequentie in Hertz.
H in dB
Gemiddelde dempingswaarde in overwegend hoogfrequent geluidsspectrum (f > 2000 Hz).
M in dB
Gemiddelde dempingswaarde in overwegend middenfrequent geluidsspectrum (f > 500 en f < 2000 Hz).
Franz-Mehring-StraSSe 13
99610 SÖMMerDa | gerManY
+49 (0) 36 34 693-0
in licence of:
Po BoX 230
5100 ae Dongen | netherLanDS
Elacin is a registered trademark
of Elacin International B.V.