1. Unscrew knob one turn. Then, press zip nut to open the cutter.
3. Hand tighten knob 1/4 turn to 1/2 turn after wheel touches pipe or
5. Depending on pipe or tubing material, tighten knob 1/4 to 3/4 and
turn in direction shown. Repeat tightening each revolution until cut is
Reed Manufacturing Company
1425 West 8th Street
Erie, PA 16502 USA
Quick Release™ Tubing Cutters
2. Line up the cutter wheel with the cut-off mark. Push the bar assembly
until the wheel touches the pipe or tubing.
4. Once tight, turn cutter around pipe or tubing one revolution in
direction shown to ensure tracking.
• Reed Quick Release™ Tubing Cutters will cut a variety of pipe types,
depending on the cutter wheel installed. Refer to the Reed Cutter Wheel
charts for full details.
• Use triangular scraper to remove the burr on the inside of the pipe or tubing.
• For fewer burrs, use more gradual feed.
• For longer cutter wheel life, avoid side pressure on the cutter. And, do not
feed the cutter wheel into the pipe too fast.
Phone: 800-666-3691 or 814-452-3691
Fax: 800-456-1697 or 814-455-1697
Operating Instructions