This digital equipment fulfills the requirements
for RF emission according to the Class A limit of
AS/NZS CISPR 32. The product shall be connected using
a shielded network cable (STP). Notice! This is a Class
A product. In a domestic environment this product may
cause RF interference, in which case the user may be
required to take adequate measures.
この装置は、クラスA 情報技術装置です。この
装置を家庭環境で使⽤すると電波妨害 を引き起
切な対策を講ずるよう要求され ることがありま
す。 本製品は、シールドネットワークケーブル
이 기기는 업무용(A급) 전자파적합기기로서 판매
자 또는 사용자는 이 점을 주의하시기 바라며, 가정
외의 지역에서 사용하는 것을 목적으로 합니다. 적
절히 접지된 STP (shielded twisted pair) 케이블을
사용하여 제품을 연결 하십시오.
This product complies with IEC/EN/UL 60950-1, Safety of
Information Technology Equipment.
If its connecting cables are routed outdoors, the product
shall be grounded either through a shielded network cable
(STP) or other appropriate method.
Disposal and recycling
When this product has reached the end of its useful life,
dispose of it according to local laws and regulations. For