Programme du mitigeur pour la salle de bain (16 pages)
Sommaire des Matières pour Gessi ANELLO 63373
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BATH MIXING PROGRAM PROGRAMME DU MITIGEUR POUR LA SALLE DE BAIN PROGRAMA MEZCLADORES BAÑO Art. 63373 Art. 63374 GESSI SpA Parco Gessi - 13037 Serravalle Sesia (Vercelli) ITALY Tel. +39 0163 454111 Fax +39 0163 459273 -
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MUST NEVER BE EXCEEDED, as it may damage and/or cause ruptures and/or leakages and/or even break the product, and present a potential hazard and danger to safety, health and/or property. Following are the technical data with respect to the installation of Gessi plumbing products. ► W orkingpressureshouldnotbelowerthan0,5bar(7,25psi)andnotbehigherthan5bar(72Psi).In case of higher working pressure use a pressure reducer valve.
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Ci-dessous nous indiquons les données techniques concernant l’installation des produits sanitaires Gessi. ► L apressiondeservicenedoitpasêtreinférieureà0,5bar(7,25psi)etsupérieureà5bar(72Psi).En cas de pressions de service plus hautes utiliser une soupape de réduction de la pression.
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1 - ¡CUIDADO!! LES ROGAMOS QUE TENGAN EN CUENTA QUE NUNCA la presión y/o la temperatura máximaaconsejadaNOTIENEQUESERSUPERADA,yaquepodríadañary/ocausarrupturasy/o pérdidasy/oaveríasdelproductoy,porlotanto,representarunriesgoyunpeligropotencialpara la seguridad, la saludad y/o la propiedad. A continuación Les proporcionamos los datos técnicos relativosalainstalacióndelosproductosdegriferíaGessi. ► L apresióndeejercicionotienequeserinferiora0,5bar(7,25psi)ysuperiora5bar(72Psi).Encaso depresionesdeejerciciomayores,utilicenunaválvuladereduccióndelapresión. ►Presiónmáximadeensayodurantelainstalación:8bar(116psi). ► E vitengrandesdiferenciasdepresiónentrelaalimentacióndelaguafríayaquelladelaguacaliente. Lasdiferenciasdepresión,elaguaconunalatocontenidomineralylassustanciasjabonosaspueden...
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PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATION - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES Before installation and setting to work Attention! The feeding pipes have to be rinsed thoroughly before the installation of the mixer, so that no shavings, welding or hemp residual or other dirt can be found in the pipes. Foreign bodies can enter the mixer through the rinsed pipes or the general water plant and could damage the washers/ring washers.
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PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATION - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES 1/16” [2 mm] 1/8” [2,5 mm] - Installation tools - Outils nécessaires pour l’installation - Herramienta necesaria para la instalación...
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PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATION - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES Package content: A - Finish plate B - Plate fastening screws C - Finish round gasket D - Finish bush E - Lower extension F - Complete lever G - Cartridge extension H - Allen wrench I - Bushing for diverter L - Diverter knob Contenu de l’emballage:...
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN MAINTENANCE • For any replacement of external parts: follow in the opposite direction the sequence previously described. • For any replacement of the components of the built-in body: follow in the opposite direction the sequence previously described to remove the external parts and refer to user manual of built-in body for the procedure of component replacement.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN MIXER CLEANING Watercontainslimestoneindifferentqualities,whichremainskeptonthesurfacesoftheproduct,leaving deposits after the water has been evaporated. It is possible to prevent the forming of limestone deposits and to keep your product clean by drying it always with a soft cloth immediately after use. DETERGENTS, SOLVENTS,CHEMICALAGENTS,ABRASIVESPONGES,WIREWOOL,ALCOHOL,ETC.SHOULD NOT BE USED as these could irreparably damage products’...