SECTION 4 Troubleshooting
Blue Add Water
Completely remove the Water Reservoir and
Light, red Heating
thoroughly clean (refer to page 11). Ensure the
Light and Small
Water Reservoir is filled. Return it to the brewer and
Mug Button
ensure it is seated properly, then press the flashing
are all flashing
BREW Button.
If you have completed the above procedure two times
and the situation persists, contact Customer Service
at 1.866.901.BREW (2739).
Brewing a
If the brewer has been set-up without a cleansing
partial cup
brew, the first cup may be oversized. The next cup
will be brewed to the proper selected size.
The Exit Needle may be clogged (refer to page 11).
Clean K-Cup
page 10).
A partial drain process may have occurred. The
brewer will brew the next cup at the selected size.
The Water Reservoir may have been removed during
brewing. Replace the Water Reservoir and perform
a cleansing brew without a K-Cup
If the amber DESCALE Light is illuminated, descale
the brewer (refer to page 11).
If you have repeated the descale procedure on
your brewer two times and it is still only brewing
a partial cup, contact Customer Service at
1.866.901.BREW (2739).
Pack Holder if necessary (refer to
Brewer shuts off
Check to make sure that the Auto-Off Timer feature
has not been enabled. If the green AUTO-OFF Light is
illuminated, press the black AUTO-OFF Button to
disable the Auto-Off Timer feature.
Water appears in
It is normal for a small amount of water (less than
the Brewer base
10 ml) to collect if the Water Reservoir is not seated
with the Water
for a period of time. This will not affect the operation
Reservoir removed
of the brewer.
Use clean cloth or paper towel to absorb the water.
Return the Water Reservoir back to the brewer base
(refer to page 6, fig. 3).
Drain process notes
BREW/DRAIN Selector Knob turned to DRAIN during
a brew cycle: If this occurs, the brewing cycle is
immediately stopped. Recovery: The brew that
immediately follows may provide an improper volume,
so perform a brew without a K-Cup
brew will be of the proper selected size.
BREW/DRAIN Selector Knob turned to DRAIN and
back to BREW: The brewer is smart and knows if the
DRAIN Button has been pressed. If it has not been
pressed, and only the knob has been turned to DRAIN
and back to BREW, the brewer does not need to be
set-up again.
BREW/DRAIN Selector Knob turned to DRAIN and
DRAIN Button pushed, but tank not emptied. To brew,
set-up the brewer and then perform a cleansing brew
(refer to page 6).
If any problems persist, contact Customer Service at 1.866.901.BREW (2739).
pack. The next