12. Note: the HAND GRIP will be attached to the marked end (with hole) of the PLAYER ROD - this end must
be inserted into the SIDE PANEL first. Slide one RUBBER BUMPER #21 and PLASTIC ROD WASHER #20
onto the partially inserted PLAYER ROD. Slide the appropriate quantity and color of players onto the PLAYER
ROD. Finish PLAYER ROD assembly with PLASTIC ROD WASHER #20 and RUBBER BUMPER #21 (note
position for each in diagram below). Insert PLAYER ROD into hole on opposite SIDE PANEL. Fasten PLAYERS
to PLAYER ROD with 1-1/8" BOLT #14 and LOCKNUT #15.
Note: STOP RINGS #38 will be used instead of PLAYERS on either side of the goalies and attached
to PLAYER RODS with 1-1/8" BOLT #14 and LOCKNUT #15.
13. Repeat assembly with remaining PLAYER RODS. Note: Each team should face the opposite goal.
NOTE: Stop Rings (38)
are used on both sides
of goalie instead of players