Consumer S upport.
In the U.S.A.,
Have a question or need _Lssismncewith your appliance? Try the GE Appliances Website 24 hours a day,
any day of the year! For greater convenience and fi_ste, service, you can now download Owner's Manuals,
or even order parts on-line. In Canada www.GEApplianees.ea
In the U.S.A.,
GE supports the Universal Design concept--products,
services and enviromnents
flint can be used by
people of all ages, sizes and capabilities. We recognize the need to design for a wide range of physical
and mental abilities and impaim_ents. For details of GE's Universal Design applications, including Mtchen
design ideas for people with disabilities, check out our Websim today. For the heating impaired, please ca/1
800.TDD.GEAC (800.833.4322).
In Canada, contact:
Manage_, Consmner Relations, Mabe Canada Inc.
Suite 310, 1 Factory Lane
Moncton, N.B. E1C 9M3
In the U.S.A.,
Individuals qualified to service their own appliances can have parts or accessories sent directly to their
homes (\qSA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted). Order on-line today, 24 hours eve_T day or
by phone at 800.626.2002 during normal business hours.
Instructions containedin thismanualcoverprocedures tobe performed byanyuser. GEdoesnotsupport any
semicing oftheair conditioner. W e strongly recommend thatyou do notattempttoservice theair conditioner
Customers in Canada shoukt consult the yellow pages fbr the nearest Mabe service cente,,
or call 1.800.561.3344.
In the U.S.A.,
If you are not satisfied wit1 die service you receNe flom (;E, contact us on our Websim widl all die details
including your phone nmnbe_, or wfim to: General Manage_, Customer Relations
GE Appliances, Appliance Park
Louisville, KY 40225
In Canada:,
or write to: Directcm Consmner Relations, Mabe Canada Inc.
Suite 310, 1 Factory Lane
Moncton, N.B. E1C 9M3
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