- Any adaptation of the product that would be necessary for compliance
with the technical or safety standards applicable in a country other than
that for which the product was originally designed and manufactured
- Use or installation that does not conform to the use for which the
product is intended or to the technical or safety standards in force in
the country where it is used
- Non-observance of instructions, safety precautions and instructions
stipulated in the manual
- A case of force majeure, sinister (fire, flood, etc.), lightning, etc.
- A modification or repair of the product not carried out by a qualified
- Use of parts and accessories not compatible with the product or
- Immediate or delayed damages resulting from improper handling
during transport, mishandling, falling, shock, contact with water, sand
or any other substance, etc.
- Improper treatment of the product due to inappropriate environment
(poor aeration, exposure to moisture or strong heat, vibration, non-
adapted power supply, surge, etc.)
Whether with respect to the purchaser, installer or any other
person, our company can not under any circumstances be held
liable for any physical or material damage of any kind whatsoever,
which may be caused by our products or which would be the
direct or indirect consequence of the use of our products.
1. Front grill
2. Plastic cover
3. Button OFF
4. Louver mode
5. Wind modes
6. Button ON and speed setting
7. Timer
Remote control