ARO S.A., Casilla de Correo 4890,
1000 Buenos Aires, telephone 0054 / 1 331 3918,
telefax 0054 / 1 331 3572
Balzers Australia Pty. Ltd., Level 1,
3, Northcliff Street, Milsons Point, NSW 2061,
telephone 0061 / 2 9954 1925, telefax 0061 / 2 9954 1939
Pfeiffer Vacuum Austria GmbH
Diefenbachgasse 35, A-1150 Wien,
telephone 0043 / 1 8941 704, telefax 0043 / 1 8941 707
Service Hotline: 0043 / 1 8941704
Belgium / Luxemburg
Pfeiffer Vacuum Belgium N.V./S.A.
Minervastraat 14, B-1930 Zaventem
telephone 0032 / 2 725 0525, telefax 0032 / 2 725 0873
Service Hotline: 0032 / 2 725 3545
Elmi Tec
Assistencia Técnica e Representação S/C Ltda.
Rua Bernadino de Compos, 551
CEP 04620-002 São Paulo, SP - Brasil
telephone 0055 / 11 532 0740
telefax 0055 / 11 535 3598
BERMAT S.A., Coyancura 2283, piso 6
Providencia, P.O. Box 9781, Santiago
telephone 0056 / 2 231 8877,
telefax 0056 / 2 231 4294
Arotec Colombiana S.A., Carrera 15 No.38-17
P.O. Box 050 862, Santafe de Bogota / D.C.
telephone 0057 / 1 288 7799, telefax 0057 / 1 285 3604
Pfeiffer Vacuum Scandinavia AB, Vesterengen 2,
DK-2630 Taastrup, telephone 0045 / 43 52 38 00,
telefax 0045 / 43 52 38 50
Pfeiffer Vacuum France SAS
45, rue Senouque, BP 139 F-78531 BUC Cedex
telephone 0033 / (0)1 30 83 04 00,
telefax 0033 / (0)1 30 83 04 04
Pfeiffer Vacuum Vertriebs GmbH,
Emmeliusstrasse 33, D-35614 Asslar
telephone 0049 / 6441 802 400
telefax 0049 / 6441 802 399
Service Hotline: 0049 / 6441 802 333
Great Britain
Pfeiffer Vacuum Ltd.
Bradbourne Drive, Tilbrook,
Milton Keynes, MK7 8AZ, United Kingdom
telephone 0044 / 1 908 373 333
telefax 0044 / 1 908 377 776
Analytical Instruments S.A., 1 Mantzarou St.,
GR-15451 Athens,
telephone 0030 / 1 674 8973, telefax 0030 / 1 674 8978
Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE |
Pfeiffer Vacuum India Ltd.
25-E Nicholson Road, Tarbund
Secunderabad 500 009,
telephone 0091 / 40 775 0014, telefax 0091 / 40 775 7774
Eastronics Ltd., 11 Rozanis Street, P.O. Box 39 300,
Tel Aviv 61392,
telephone 00972 / 3 6458 777,
telefax 00972 / 3 6458 666
Pfeiffer Vacuum Italia S.p.a.
Via San Martino, 44 I-20017 RHO (Milano)
telephone 0039 / 2 93 99 051, telefax 0039 / 2 93 99 05 33
Hakuto Co. Ltd., C.P.O. Box 25,
Vacuum & Scientific Instruments Division
Tokyo Central 100-91,
telephone 0081 / 3 32 258 910,
telefax 0081 / 3 32 259 009
Pfeiffer Vacuum Korea Ltd., 3F Haein Building 453,
Dokok-Dong, Kang Nam-Ku, Seoul, 135-270
telephone 0082 / 2 3461 0671,
telefax 0082 / 2 3461 0676
Pfeiffer Vacuum Nederland BV
Veldzigt 30a, NL-3454 PW De Meern,
telephone 0031 / 30 6666050, telefax 0031 / 30 6662794
Ing. E. Brammertz S.C.R.L., José Pardo 182,
Apartado 173, PE-18 Miraflores,
telephone 0051 / 1 445 8178
telefax 0051 / 1 445-1931
Softrade Sp.z.o.o, ul. Malwowa 35,
PL-60-175 Poznan, telephone 0048 / 61 8677 168,
telefax 0048 / 61 8677 111
Unilaser Lda, Taguspark
Núcleo Central, sala n
268, Estrada Cacém-
Porto Salvo, P-2780 Oeiras
telephone 00351 / 1 421 7733,
telefax 00351 / 1 421 7744
APP Systems Services Pte. Ltd, 2 Corporation Road
06-14 Corporation Place, Singapore 618494,
telephone 0065 / 268 2024, telefax 0065 / 268 6621
Tecnologia de Vacio S.L., Ronda de Poniente, 6 Bajo F
Centro Empresarial Euronova
E-28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid)
telephone 0034 / 91 804 11 34,
telefax 0034 / 91 804 30 91
Pfeiffer Vacuum Scandinavia AB
Magasinsgatan 35, Box 10412
S-43424 Kungsbacka
telephone 0046 / 300 710 80
telefax 0046 / 300 172 85
Service Hotline: 0046 / 300 710 85
Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH
Emmeliusstrasse 33
D-35614 Asslar
Telefon 06441/802-0
Telefax 06441/802-202
Hotline 06441/802-333
Pfeiffer Vacuum Schweiz S.A.
Förrlibuckstraße 30, CH-8005 Zürich
telephone 0041 / 1 444 2255,
telefax 0041 / 1 444 2266
Service Hotline: 0041 / 1 2730119
South Africa
Labotec Pty Ltd., P.O. Box 6553,
Halfway House
1685 Midrand
telephone 0027 / 11 315 5434
telefax 0027 / 11 315 5882
S & T Hitech Ltd. Hsinchu office
No. 103, Hsien Chen 11th Street, Jubei City,
HsinChu County, Taiwan, R.O.C.
(zip/postal code: 302)
telephone 00886 / 3 554 1020
telefax 00886 / 3 554 0867
S & T Enterprises (Thailand) Ltd.
18th Floor, Chokchail Intíl Bldg.
690 Sukhumvit Road
Klongton, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
telephone 00662 / 259 4623
telefax 00662 / 259 6243
Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology, Inc.
24 Trafalgar Square
Nashua, NH 03063-1988
telephon 001/ 603 578 6500
telefax 001/ 603 578 6550
Secotec S.A., Apartado 3452, Caracas 1010-A,
telephone 0058 / 2 573 8687
telefax 0058 / 2 573 1932
Other countries
AVI - Applied Vaccuum Industries GmbH
Leginglenstrasse 17A; CH-7320 Sargans
telefon 0041 / 81 710 03 80
telefax 0041 81 710 03 81
Scope of represented countries
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bulgaria,
Cambodia, Estonia, Georgia, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan,
Kingdom of Nepal, Kirghizia, Latvia, Lithuania, Maldavia,
Philippines, P.R. China, Rumania, Russia, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam
Advanced Equipment Materials and Systems
P.O. Box 25
Föhrenweg 18
FL-9496 Balzers
telephon 0041 / 75 380 0550
telefax 0041 / 75 380 0551
Scope of represented countries
Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,
Lybia, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi-Arabia, Sudan, Syria,
Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen