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Kaiser KS 90 Serie Mode D'emploi page 46


• Before cleaning, disconnect the
refrigerator from the mains.
• Never wash the refrigerator using
flammable liquids such as alcohol,
kerosene, benzine, thinners or
solvents, chemical/abrasive agents
such as detergents, acids or vinegar.
Also refrain from using detergents
such as washing powder, abrasive
c l e a n s e r s , a l k a l i n e a g e n t s ,
chemically treated wipes, solvents,
alcohol or hot water to wash the
refrigerator as they may damage the
paint or plastic parts.
• If you are not going to use the
r e f r i g e r a t o r f o r a l o n g t i m e ,
disconnect it from the mains, wash
and wipe dry inside and let it be
• When washing the refrigerator, do
not pour water on it, neither inside
nor outside.
• Remember that wet objects easily
stick to cold surfaces. With this in
mind, avoid touching these surfaces
with wet clothes, objects or hands.
• Wash the interior of the refrigerator
with a cloth moistened with a solution
of warm water and baking soda (one
tablespoon of baking soda per litre of
• Never use metal objects, brushes,
abrasive or alkaline agents to clean
p l a s t i c s u r f a c e s i n s i d e t h e
refrigerator. Do not wash plastic
parts with hot water.
• Clean electric parts with a dry cloth to
avoid short circuits.
• Wash the outside of the refrigerator
with a wet cloth moistened with warm
water and mild soap.
• Clean the back of the refrigerator
with a vacuum cleaner or dust brush
every 6 months. Dust accumulated
there hampers normal operation of
the condenser and thus the entire
refrigerator, resulting in increased
power consumption. Disconnect the
refrigerator from the mains and do
n o t t o u c h t h e c o n d e n s e r o r
compressor as they may be hot.
• The drainage tray should be washed
at least once a year.

