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Operating Instructions
Please read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described.
Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or
property damage! Retain instructions for future reference.
These generators are powered by air-
cooled four cycle engines and designed
to run at maximum RPM and give a
continuous wattage as rated.
When unpacking, inspect carefully for
any damage that may have occurred
during transit. Make sure any loose
fittings, bolts, etc., are tightened before
putting unit into service.
General Safety
1. Before starting or
servicing any
generator, read and
understand all
instructions. Failure
to follow safety
precautions or instructions can cause
equipment damage and/or serious
personal injury. Engine instructions
for these units are contained in a
separate manual. Retain all manuals
for future reference.
2. Never use this generator for any
application other than that specified
by the manufacturer. Never operate
this generator under conditions not
approved by the manufacturer.
Never attempt to modify this
generator to perform in any manner
not intended by the manufacturer.
3. For maintenance and repairs, use
only products and parts
recommended by the manufacturer.
4. Be sure that the generator is
properly grounded to an external
ground path prior to operation.
Refer to the section entitled
© 2001 Campbell Hausfeld / Scott Fetzer
Models GN356402AC, GN356502AC, and GN356602AC
Fig. 1 - Assembled Units GN356402AC and GN356502AC
"Grounding Instructions" for proper
grounding procedures.
5. Be sure that the generator is
operated only by persons who have
read and understand these
6. Be sure that the generator is placed
on a flat level surface prior to and
during operation. The generator
must not slide or shift during
7. Keep all persons away from the
generator during operation.
8. Do not allow persons wearing loose
clothing or jewelry to start or
operate the generator. Loose
clothing or jewelry may become
For parts, product & service information
visit www.chpower.com
or call 1-800-803-1436
entangled in moving components,
causing equipment damage and or
personal injury.
9. Keep all persons away from parts
that move or become hot during
10. Be sure all powered devices are shut
off prior to connecting them to the
11. Keep the generator clean and well
maintained at all times.
Never operate this
generator in an
explosive atmosphere
or poorly ventilated
IN951300AV 2/01



Sommaire des Matières pour Campbell Hausfeld GN356402AC

  • Page 1 Engine instructions Fig. 1 - Assembled Units GN356402AC and GN356502AC for these units are contained in a separate manual. Retain all manuals entangled in moving components, “Grounding Instructions”...
  • Page 2 Operating Instructions General Safety ALWAYS OPERATE YOUR NEVER OPERATE YOUR (Continued) GENERATOR UNDER THESE GENERATOR UNDER THESE CONDITIONS: CONDITIONS: 12. Be sure that all tools and appliances are in good repair and are properly 1. Read and understand these 1. Rain or inclement weather instructions grounded.
  • Page 3 EXTENSION CORDS Operation (Continued) MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED LENGTHS (IN FEET) STARTING 1. Check oil level and fuel. Amps Watts Watts 120 V 240 V Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire 2. Remove all electrical loads from the generator. 1000 3. Set the switch to the ON position. 1200 4.
  • Page 4 This indicates that performed: Rotor Stator Circuit Breaker Main Winding Brushes 120V Slip Rings 120V Duplex NEMA 5-15R Main Winding 120V Circuit Breaker Excitation Winding Capacitor Bridge Rectifier 200V, 8A Fig. 3 - Wiring Diagram for GN356402AC and GN356502AC www.chpower.com...
  • Page 5 GN356402AC and GN356502AC Troubleshooting Chart Symptom Possible Cause(s) Corrective Action 1. Adjust engine speed Zero output from receptacles 1. Engine speed is too slow 2. Open, shorted, or incorrect wiring 2. Referring to the wiring diagram, clean and reconnect all wiring 3.
  • Page 6 ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS, DAMAGE, OR EXPENSE THAT MAY RESULT FROM ANY DEFECT, FAILURE, OR MALFUNCTION OF THE CAMPBELL HAUSFELD PRODUCT. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
  • Page 7 MANUEL génératrice. Manque Fig. 1 - Modèles GN356402AC et GN356502AC Montés de suivre les précautions de sécurité ou les 7. Garder toutes les personnes à l’écart de le fabricant pour l’entretien et la instructions peut résulter en dommage...
  • Page 8 Instructions d’Utilisation Généralités sur la TOUJOURS FAIRE FONCTIONNER NE JAMAIS FAIRE FONCTIONNER Sécurité (Suite) VOTRE GÉNÉRATRICE SOUS LES VOTRE GÉNÉRATRICE SOUS CES CONDITIONS SUIVANTES: CONDITIONS: 11. Toujours garder la génératrice propre et en bon état de marche. 1. Lire et comprendre ces 1.
  • Page 9 CORDONS PROLONGATEURS Fonctionnement (Suite) LONGUEUR MAXIMUM RECOMMANDÉE (EN PIEDS) Code. Il pourrait avoir des sources additionnelles acceptables. Se référer au Ampérage Watts Watts 120 V 240 V National Electric Codeet aux règlements pour plus d’information concernant les 1000 sources de mise à la terre. Si vous ne 1200 connaissez pas les règlements ou les 1800...
  • Page 10 NEMA 5-15A Blanc Blanc Bobinage Principal Noir 120V Noir Disjoncteur Noir Vert Vert Rouge Rouge Bobinage d'Excitation Bleu Condensateur Noir Bleu Redresseur en pont 200V, 8A Rouge Noir Fig. 3 - Schéma d’Installation de Fils pour GN356402AC et GN356502AC 10 Fr...
  • Page 11 GN356402AC et GN356502AC Guide de Dépannage Symptôme Cause(s) Possible(s) Mesures Correctives 1. Régler la vitesse du moteur Manque de puissance électrique des prises 1. Vitesse de moteur trop lente 2. Se référer au schéma d’installation de fils, 2. Circuit ouvert, court-circuit ou installation...
  • Page 12 RESPONSABILITÉS DE L’ACHETEUR AUX TERMES DE CETTE GARANTIE: Fournir une preuve d’achat datée et un état d’entretien. La livraison ou expédition de la génératrice ou pièce Campbell Hausfeld au Centre De Service Autorisé Campbell Hausfeld. Taux de frais, si applicables, sont la responsabilité de l’acheteur.
  • Page 13 A não observância das precauções e instruções de segurança Figura 1 – Unidades montadas do GN356402AC e GN356502AC pode causar danos ao equipamento e/ou lesões pessoais graves. As em movimento e causar danos ao instruções do motor, para essas Consulte a seção intitulada...
  • Page 14 Instruções de Operação Segurança geral OPERE O GERADOR SEMPRE SOB NUNCA OPERE O GERADOR SOB (continuação) AS SEGUINTES CONDIÇÕES: AS SEGUINTES CONDIÇÕES: 12. Certifique-se de que todas as 1. Leia e compreenda essas 1. Chuva ou mau tempo ferramentas e aparelhos estejam em instruções 2.
  • Page 15 EXTENSÕES Operação (continuação) COMPRIMENTOS MÁXIMOS RECOMENDADOS (EM PÉS) 2,4 metros de profundidade (8 pés) ou ser enterrada na vala mais profunda possível. Amps Watts Watts 120 V 240 V No. 8 No.10 No. 12 No. 14 No. 16 PARTIDA 1. Verifique o nível de óleo 1000 e combustível.
  • Page 16 (National Electrical escovas Manufacturers Association) (Associação Nacional de Fabricantes de Equipamentos Elétricos) 5-15R Duplex 120V Enrolamento principal 120V Disjuntor Enrolamento de excitação Capacitor Retificador em Ponte 200V, 8A Figura 3. Diagrama da Fiação Elétrica para o GN356402AC e GN356502AC 16 Pg...
  • Page 17 Modelos GN356402AC e GN356502AC Tabela para Pesquisa de Avarias Sintoma Possíveis Causas Ação Corretiva 1. Ajustar a velocidade do motor Saída nula das tomadas 1. Velocidade do motor muito baixa 2. Consulte o diagrama de fiação elétrica, 2. Conexão elétrica aberta, em curto ou incorreta limpe e reconecte toda a fiação elétrica...
  • Page 18 A. Apresentar comprovante da data de compra e registros de manutenção. B. Entregar ou remeter o gerador ou componente ao Centro de Serviço Autorizado da Campbell Hausfeld mais próximo. Os custos de frete, se houver, devem ser por conta do comprador.
  • Page 19 Medidas de Seguridad 1. Antes de prender o darle servicio a cualquier generador, Fig. 1 - Máquinas GN356402AC y GN356502AV montadas MANUAL lea y entienda bien todas las cuando esté funcionando. El 3. Para mantener y reparar este instrucciones.
  • Page 20 Manual de Instrucciones Medidas de Seguridad SIEMPRE MANEJE SU NUNCA MANEJE SU GENERADOR (Continuación) GENERADOR BAJO ESTAS BAJO ESTAS CONDICIONES: CONDICIONES: 10. Asegúrese de que cualquier aparato 1. Tiempo inclemente o lluvioso que será impulsado por el generador 1. Ha leído y entendido bien estas instrucciones esté...
  • Page 21 Funcionamiento CORDONES DE EXTENSION (Continuación) LONGITUD MÁXIMA RECOMENDADA (EN PIES) sujetada a una toma de tierra Amperios Vatios Vatios Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable aprobada. 120 V 240 V El Código Nacional de Electricidad 1000 estadounidense aprueba las siguientes 1200 tomas de tierra.
  • Page 22 Arrollamiento principal Negro 120V Negro Disyuntor Negro Verde Verde Rojo Rojo Arollamiento de excitación Corriente Alterna Azul Condensador Negro Azul Corriente Rectificador en Puente 200V, 8A Alterna Rojo Negro Fig. 3 - Esquema alámbrico para GN356402AC y GN356502AC 22 Sp...
  • Page 23 GN356402AC y GN356502AC Guía de Diagnóstico de Averías Problema Posible(s) Causa(s) Acción a Tomar 1. Ajuste la velocidad del motor Cero producción de los tomacorrientes 1. La velocidad del motor es demasiado baja 2. Limpie y reconecte los cables, consultando 2.
  • Page 24 A. Proporcione prueba fechada del expedients de compra y mantenimiento. B. Entregue o envíe el generador o componente Campbell Hausfeld al Centro Autorizado de Servicio más cercano (Campbell Hausfeld). Flete los costos, si los hay, deben ser llevados por el comprador.

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