5. Positioning the Unit
Position the unit on a suitable wall
at a minimum height of 1.8 metres to
the bottom of the unit.
Figure 1 illustrates the suggested
mounting height and illustrates what
happens during service mode.
Position the unit as far as possible
from sources of ambient light.
Ambient light can cause inefficient
capture of flying insects.
Ideally position the unit so the
cable entry is within 1.8 metres of
an electric socket. If this is not
possible the unit must be connected
safely by a qualified electrician.
Figure 1:
To ensure that the product minimises
risk UV exposure especially to eyes,
it is recommended that the product
is installed at a minimum height of 1.8
metres from the bottom of the unit and
also at least 1 metres from any area
that may have persons occupying for
more than 4 hours in a day.
It is also recommended that the
product is not installed higher than
1.80 to ensure that the product can
be maintained by the majority of
technicians without the use of a ladder.