Chang ng the HEPA F lter
NOTE: Always unplug the un t
before chang ng the HEPA f lter.
1. When the filter change indicator
illuminates it's time to change the HEPA
2. Turn off the unit and unplug it.
3. Carefully remove the back cover.
4. Remove the HEPA filter out.
5. Replace a new HEPA filter.
6. Cover the back cover.
Troubleshoot ng
Back cover nd cator bl nk
F lter change nd cator bl nk
Bluetooth connect on fa led
The phone can not be charge on
w reless charg ng area
Un t w ll not operate.
Decreased a r ow.
Air purifier/ Instruction Manual
Solut on
Please make sure closed that the back
cover s closed.
Please replaced the lter.
Please press bluetooth con and contact
aga n, Please select the correct name:
BEKO_ ATP5500N, the Bluetooth con
stop bl nk.
Please check the su tabll t y of your
phone w th w reless charg ng
Check to make sure the un t s plugged
Check to make sure the un t s on.
Check cond t on of the lter and replace
f necessary.
Check to ensure noth ng s block ng the
a r nlet and ltered a r outlet.
Be sure the plast c bag has been
removed from the lter.
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