Preventive Maintenance - ELRO RM144C Mode D'emploi

Masquer les pouces Voir aussi pour RM144C:
Table des Matières


2. ?? s ?s t?µa s ??a?e?µ?? de? p??pe? ?a e??a?? s tata? s e:
? ? ?? ?p?? ? ?e?µ???as ? a µp??e? ?a p?s e? ??t ? ap? t ??? 4?C
?a? ?a a??ße? p??? ap? t ??? 40?C.
Se ?????? ?? ????.
? e?? ? d? p?a ap? p??t e? ? pa?????a ?a? ??? ???t ? s e
a?eµ? s t ??a ? ?e?µa?t ? ?? s ? µa. ? ?? e??a?? s t ?t e t ? s ?s t ?µa
s ??a?e?µ?? s e s ?µe? ? µe d?s ???? p??s ßas ?, p?? ?a
µp????s e ?a ?a?? s t ? d?s ???? t ?? ?e? ?? s µ? t ?? ???µp? ??
d??? µ??. ? a a?t ? ?a?? s t ?t e t ?? µpat a?? a t a?t ? ?? ?a? ?a t ??e? t e
t ?? s ??t ???s ? t ??. ?? s ?s t ?µa s ??a?e?µ?? µp??e? ?a
e??at as t a?e? ??????a ?a? e????a. ???at as t ?s t e t ? ß?s ? s t ??
ep? ??µ?t ? ??s ? ???s ? µ?p?? ? ?t a? t ? ? ß? de? p?? t ??
s ???de????.
3. ? pata?? e?/a?t? ?at?s tas ?: ? a?? ??e?t ?? ?ap??? ?e? t ????e?
µe µ? a a??a?? ?? µpat a?? a 9V DC, 6F22. ? µpat a?? a
?p????? ?et a? ?a d? a???s e? ?at ' e???? s t ? ?? a ??a ?t ?? ?p?
f ?s ? ????? ??? s ?????e?. ??? ? µpat a?? a e? ?a? (s ?ed??) ?de? a, ?
a?? ??e?t ?? ?ap??? ?a s a? t ? ep? s ?µ??e? µe ??a ???t ? ?? s ?µa
"µp? p". ? ?t ? t ? e?de? ?t ? ?? s ?µa ?a ??e? a?? d? as t ?µat a t ? ?
30-40 de?t e????pt ? ? ?? a t ?????? s t ?? 7 ?µ??e?.
? ?t ? ?at as t ?s t e t ?? µpat a?? a µ??? ? a???s et e a?t ? t ? ???t ? ??
s ?µa. ? t ?p???t ?s ? t ?? µpat a?? a? e? ?a? p??? ap??: af a? ??s t e
t ?? a?? ??e?t ? ?ap??? ap? t ? ß?s ? t ?? ?a? a?t ? ?at as t ?s t e t ??
µpat a?? a.
4. ? ??s ???! ? et ? t ?? a?t ? ?at ?s t as ? t ?? µpat a?? a? p??t a ?a
p?a?µat ?p?? e? t e d??? µ? ?e? t ????? a? p? ????t a? t ?
???µp? d??? µ??.
5. Προσοχή! Μην καλύπτετε τον ανιχνευτή καπνού µε ταινία!
Μόλις ανιχνευτεί ΚΑΠΝΟΣ, θα ακούσετε έναν δυνατό διαλείπων
ήχο (85dB).


The alarm is provided with a test button. Push it in until the alarm
sounds. The signal stops when the button is released. Test the alarm
at least once a week, and always after replacing the battery (see
Battery / Replacement).
For the best performance, the smoke detector must be dusted once a
month and vacuumed every 6 months. Remove the detector from
the ceiling plate and carefully vacuum the inside of the detector. Do
not touch the inside with the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner. Then test
the alarm.
: Cover the smoke detector during renovation work.
Caution : The smoke detector loses its effectiveness
if it is covered.
Warning : The smoke detector should not be painted / taped.
Do not test the smoke detector with candles, flames,
cigarettes, etc.


Table des Matières

Table des Matières