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Liens rapides

Read and understand these instructions before operating this tool.
Everyone using, maintaining, changing accessories or working near this tool must read, understand and follow these Safety Instructions!
Cutoff tools can cause flying particles.
Proper eye protection must be worn at all times by tool user and bystanders.
Flying particles can cause eye injury.
Power tools generate noise.
Ear protection must be worn when tool noise level exceeds 85 dBA. We also recommend that ear protection be worn when the
tool noise level is below 85 dBA. See the tool's information sheet for the noise level.
Prolonged exposure to noise can cause hearing loss.
Power tools vibrate.
Excessive vibration can cause injury. If numbness, tingling, pain or whitening of the skin occurs, stop using tool and consult a
physician. See the tool's information sheet for the vibration level.
Prolonged exposure to vibration can cause injury.
Rotating grinding wheels can cause cuts and abrasions.
Keep hands and other body parts away from grinding wheels to prevent cutting or pinching. Wear protective clothing and gloves
to protect hands.
Contact with rotating grinding wheels can cause injury.
Cutoff tools present a risk of entanglement.
Keep loose hair away from power tools and accessories. Keep hands away from moving parts of the tool and accessories. Do
not wear jewelry, loose clothing, or neckwear around power tools. Keep work area clear of cleaning rags and all items that could
become entangled with the tool.
Entanglements can cause injuries.
Grinding operations create dust.
Do not breathe grinding dust. Use approved mask.
Breathing grinding dust can cause injury.
This tool is not insulated for contact with electric power sources.
Do not use near live electric circuits. When drilling into walls, be aware that they may have hidden electric wires.
Electric shock can cause injury.
This tool is not intended for use in a flammable or explosive atmosphere.
Do not use this tool in a flammable or explosive atmosphere.
Explosions and fire can cause injury.
Grinding metals creates sparks that can ignite flammable materials and vapors.
Only grind metals if the area is free of combustible or explosive materials or vapors.
Explosions and fire can cause injury.
Overspeeding wheels can explode.
Check the speed rating of the accessory or the speed printed on the wheel. This speed must be greater than the nameplate
speed of the grinder and the actual speed of the grinder as measured with a tachometer. Do not exceed rated operating air
Exploding wheels can cause injury or death.
Cutoff tools can generate unexpected movement.
Keep a firm grip on the tool at all times. Be sure your body position allows you to have control of the tool at all times. Make sure
your footing is secure. When possible, secure the work piece in a vice or with clamps.
Unexpected tool movement can cause injury.
Using excessive force on a tool makes it hard to control.
Do not force tool.
Hard to control tool can cause injury.
Taping or wiring the throttle valve in the "ON" position will prevent the tool from shutting off if the tool should jam or malfunction or if
anything unexpected happens.
Do not wire or tape down the "On-Off" valve of any power tool.
Tools that are prevented from shutting off can cause injury.
Poorly maintained and lubricated tools can fail unexpectedly.
Keep tool properly lubricated and in good repair at all times. Use only Sioux Air Motor Oil No. 288. See the tool's information
sheet to find out what other greases and oils to use. Do not drop the end of the hose on the floor where it will pick up dirt and
transport it into the tool. See information sheet for any additional maintenance requirements.
Unexpected tool failures can cause injury.
250 Snap-on Drive • PO Box 1596 • Murphy, NC 28906 • USA • Phone: 828-835-9765 •www.siouxtools.com
Form ZCE847
When used improperly power tools can create hazardous situations.
Improperly used power tools can cause injury or death.
Form ZCE847
Date 2024March27/C
Page 1 of 26
Date 2024March27/C



Sommaire des Matières pour SIOUX STS10A124

  • Page 1 Poorly maintained and lubricated tools can fail unexpectedly. Keep tool properly lubricated and in good repair at all times. Use only Sioux Air Motor Oil No. 288. See the tool’s information sheet to find out what other greases and oils to use. Do not drop the end of the hose on the floor where it will pick up dirt and transport it into the tool.
  • Page 2 If an airline lubricator is not used, it is recommended that the tool be oiled daily before use to improve performance. Add 2-4 drops of air motor oil and run the tool for 10-20 seconds to distribute oil through the tool. For maximum performance and tool life, an air line lubricator, set to deliver 2 drops per minute, is recommended. SIOUX No. 288 Air Motor Oil is recommended.
  • Page 3 NOISE AND VIBRATION READINGS Catalog Noise* (Tested in accordance with ISO Standard 15744) Vibration* (Tested in accordance with Number ISO Standard 28927-1:2009) *Sound Pressure (dBA) *Sound Power (dBA) Uncertainty (dBA) *Vibration m/s Uncertainty m/s STS10A124 88.3 99.9 1.66 0.13 Form ZCE847 Date 2024March27/C...
  • Page 4 Schlecht gewartete und geschmierte Werkzeuge können plötzlich versagen. Schmieren Sie das Werkzeug regelmäßig und reparieren Sie es, wenn notwendig. Benutzen Sie ausschließlich Sioux Motoröl Nr. 288. Auf dem Informationsblatt für das Werkzeug finden Sie weitere Informationen über zu verwendende Schmiermittel und Öle.
  • Page 5 Sorgen Sie dafür, daß das Werkzeug zu einem vollständigen Halt gekommen ist, bevor Sie es beiseite legen. Schleifer, die nicht zu einem vollständigen Stop gekommen sind, bevor sie beiseite gelegt werden, können zu Verletzungen führen. Der Gebrauch von Zubehör, das nicht von Sioux Tools geliefert oder spezifiziert wurde, kann zu unvorhersehbaren Zwischenfällen führen.
  • Page 6 Träufeln Sie 2 bis 4 Tropfen Druckluftmotoröl ein und lassen Sie das Werkzeug für 10 bis 20 Sekunden laufen, um das Öl im Werkzeug zu verteilen. Um eine maximale Leistung und Lebensdauer des Werkzeugs zu erzielen, wird ein Druckluftleitungs-Öler empfohlen, der so eingestellt ist, dass 2 Tropfen pro Minute geliefert werden. Empfohlen wird das SIOUX-Motoröl Nr. 288. AUSWECHSELN DER TRENNSCHEIBE 1.
  • Page 7 Siempre mantenga la herramienta lubricada correctamente y en buen estado. Utilice solamente aceite para motores neumáticos de Sioux No. 288. Ver la hoja de información de la herramienta para saber tener información sobre otros aceites o grasas que puede utilizar. No deje caer el extremo de la manguera en el suelo donde puede ensuciarse y transportar la suciedad a la herramienta.
  • Page 8 Asegúrese que la herramienta se ha detenido completamente antes de dejarla sobre una superficie. Los esmeriles que no están completamente detenidos cuando se colocan sobre una superficie pueden producir lesiones. El uso de cualquier accesorio con esta herramienta que no sea proporcionado o especificado por Sioux Tools puede tener un rendimiento impredecible.
  • Page 9 Aplique entre 2 y 4 gotas de aceite para motores neumáticos y deje funcionar la herramienta durante 10-20 segundos para que el aceite se distribuya por toda la máquina. Se recomienda un lubricador de línea de aire que dispense 2 gotas/minuto para un rendimiento y vida útil máximos. Se recomienda el aceite para motores neumáticos SIOUX No. 288. REEMPLAZO DE LA RUEDA ADVERTENCIA Desconecte la herramienta de la fuente de aire antes de instalar o desmontar la muela o de hacer algún ajuste...
  • Page 10 L’insufficiente manutenzione e lubrificazione degli strumenti può provocare guasti improvvisi. Mantenere sempre lo strumento adeguatamente lubrificato ed in buono stato. Utilizzare solo olio motore Sioux Air n. 288. Consultare il foglio informativo dell’utensile per determinare quali altri grassi ed oli utilizzare. Non lasciar cadere l’estremità...
  • Page 11 Assicurarsi che lo strumento si sia arrestato completamente prima di riporlo. Molatrici non completamente arrestate prima di riporre lo strumento possono provocare lesioni. L’utilizzo, con questo strumento, di accessori non forniti o specificati da Sioux Tools può portare a risultati imprevedibili. Utilizzare solo accessori forniti o specificati da Sioux Tools.
  • Page 12 Aggiungere 2-4 gocce di olio per motori ad aria e mettere in moto lo strumento per 10-20 secondi per distribuire l’olio nello strumento. Per migliorare al massimo il rendimento e la vita dello strumento, si raccomanda l’uso di un lubrificante della linea dell’aria, impostato su 2 gocce al minuto. Si raccomanda l’olio per motori ad aria SIOUX No. 288. SOSTITUZIONE DELLA MOLA AVVERTIMENTO Scollegare lo strumento dall’aria prima di installare o rimuovere la mola o effettuare qualsiasi regolazione.
  • Page 13 Vous assurer de lubrifier l’outil comme il se doit et le maintenir en bon état de fonctionnement. Utiliser seulement l’huile de moteur pneumatique Sioux Air Motor Oil No. 288. Consulter la fiche technique de l’outil pour connaître les autres huiles et lubrifiants recommandés.
  • Page 14 Une meule peut entraîner des blessures si elle n’est pas complètement arrêtée au moment d’être posée. L’utilisation d’accessoires non fournis ou recommandés par Sioux Tools peut entraîner un fonctionnement irrégulier. N’utiliser que les accessoires fournis ou recommandés par Sioux Tools.
  • Page 15 Pour obtenir les performances maximales et une durée de vie prolongée, l’utilisation d’un dispositif de lubrification de conduite d’air, réglé pour distribuer 2 gouttes par minute, est conseillée. L’huile pour moteurs pneumatiques SIOUX No. 288 est recommandée. REMPLACEMENT DE LA MEULE AVERTISSEMENT Débrancher l’outil de la ligne d’apport d’air avant d’installer ou de démonter une meule ou d’effectuer tout réglage.
  • Page 16 Slecht onderhouden en slecht geölied gereedschap kan leiden tot plotselinge storingen. Zorg steeds dat de boor goed geölied en in goede conditie is. Gebruik alleen Sioux Air Motor Oil No. 288. Zie specificaties over het gebruik van andere oliën en vetten. Laat het uiteinde van de buis niet op de grond vallen, zodat stof en verontreinigende deeltjes de boor niet kunnen bereiken.
  • Page 17 Slijpmachines die niet volledig tot stilstand zijn gekomen als ze worden weggezet, kunnen letsel veroorzaken. Het gebruik van een niet door Sioux Tools geleverd of gespecificeerd onderdeel of accessoire kan onverwachte gevolgen hebben. Gebruik alleen door Sioux Tools geleverde of gespecificeerde onderdelen en accessoires.
  • Page 18 Voeg 2-4 druppels luchtmotorolie toe en laat het gereedschap gedurende 10-20 seconden draaien om de olie door het gereedschap te verspreiden. Voor optimale werking en gebruiksduur van het gereedschap is een smeerinrichting aanbevolen die is ingesteld op 2 druppels per minuut. SIOUX nr. 288 luchtmotorolie is aanbevolen.
  • Page 19 Illa skötta och dåligt smorda verktyg kan oförutsett sluta att fungera. Håll alltid verktyget väl smort och i god funktion. Använd enbart Sioux Air Motor Oil Nr. 288. Uppgifter om andra smörjämnen och oljor som ska användas finns i informationsbladet för verktyget. Släpp inte ned änden på slangen på golvet där den kan plocka upp smuts som kan komma in i verktyget.
  • Page 20 Slipmaskiner som inte har stannat helt innan de sätts åt sidan kan förorsaka kroppsskada. Om du använder tillbehör med detta verktyg som ej tillhandahålls eller specificeras av Sioux Tools kan dessa fungera oberäkneligt. Använd endast tillbehör som tillhandahålls eller specificeras av Sioux Tools.
  • Page 21 Verktygets hastighet kan justeras genom att vrida regulatorn som sitter på avtryckarens motsatta sida. LJUD- OCH VIBRATIONSAVLÄSNINGAR Katalog Nr. Buller* (utprovat i enlighet med ISO-standard 15744) Vibration* (utprovat i enlighet med ISO-standard 28927-1:2009) *Ljudtryck (dBA) *Ljudstyrka (dBA) Osäkerhet (dBA) *Vibration /s^2 Osäkerhet (dBA) STS10A124 88,3 99,9 1,66 0,13 Form ZCE847 Date 2024March27/C...
  • Page 22 PARTS LIST FOR STS10A124 TRIM SAW SERIAL “A” Assembly Requirements Fig. Torque / Specification Threadlocker Bevel Facing Outward Pre-soak in air motor oil 90-130 in-lbs Loctite 277 2mL 68386 Grease 20-25 ft-lbs Loctite 243 15-20 in-lbs Loctite 243 None Loctite 243...
  • Page 23 Kenosha, WI 53141-1410, USA Kenosha, WI 53141-1410, U.S.A. Object of declaration: Gegenstand der Erklärung: Object of declaration: Product: Trim Saw Produkt: Trimmsäge Product: Trim Saw Model No: STS10A124 Modell-Nr.: STS10A124 Model No: STS10A124 Trademark: Sioux Warenzeichen: Sioux Trademark: Sioux Serial Number: MXXX Seriennummer:...
  • Page 24 Modèle : STS10A124 Número de serie: MXXX Numero di serie: MXXX Marque déposée: Sioux El objeto de la declaración que se describe L’oggetto della dichiarazione sopra indicata è conforme Numéro de série: MXXX anteriormente cumple con la legislación sobre alle norme comunitarie armonizzate in materia: L’objet de la déclaration décrit ci-dessus est en...
  • Page 25 2801 80th Street Kenosha, WI 53141-1410, U.S.A. Kenosha, WI 53141-1410, VS Föremål för försäkran: Onderwerp van de verklaring: Produkt: Trim Såg Product: Trimzaag Modellnr: STS10A124 Modelnr.: STS10A124 Varumärke: Sioux Handelsmerk: Sioux Serienummer: MXXX Serienummer: MXXX Föremål för försäkran som beskrivs ovan Het onderwerp van de bovenstaande verklaring voldoet överensstämmer med relevant unionslagstiftning om...
  • Page 26 WARNING Some dust created by power sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling, and other construction activities contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. WARNUNG Der durch Elektrosanden, -sägen, -schleifen und -bohren sowie durch andere Bauarbeiten anfallende Staub enthält Chemikalien, die nachweislich Krebs sowie Geburts- bzw.
  • Page 27 This pdf incorporates the following model numbers: STS10A124...