9.2 Delay times
Because of the data splitter the response time for the switching output OUT1
slightly increases by the IO-Link process cycle time�
A sensor has a response time of e�g� approx� 100 ms� By switching to the IO-Link
mode this time is increased by the IO-Link process cycle time of e�g� 2�3 ms
(depends on the device, → Technical data of the connected IO-Link components).
So the total response time is approx� 102�3 ms�
10 Technical data and scale drawing
Technical data and scale drawing at www�autosen�com�
11 Maintenance, repair and disposal
► It is not possible to repair the unit�
► After use dispose of the unit in an environmentally friendly way in accordance
with the applicable national regulations�
► In case of returns ensure that the unit is free from dangerous and toxic