ATTENTION! The device cannot be cleaned by direct or pressure water. Clean it daily. Daily maintenance keeps
longer useful life and effi ciency of the device. Before cleaning make sure to have disconnected the device from
electricity. Always switch off the main feeder to the device. Stainless parts wash with moist cleaning cloth and
detergent without groove parts than dry it by the cloth - mainly around the regulation knob, main switch, cable
bushing, feeding cable, microswitch and fi t-on listel. Do not use abrasive and corrosive detergents. How to clean
heating elements - take out the box with heating elements. Clean the heating elements only with moist cloth.
How to discharge the oil - take out the bown with the aid of handles on the sides. Do this only when the oil is cold.
You can wash the bowl in the dishwasher. After washing it dry it with cloth and fi ll it with fi ltrated or new oil.
Model FE-10T/1010T: User must have convenient bowl for discharging the bath.This bowl must be made from
heat-resistant material. Put the bowl in the safe place to prevent discharging oil from splashing. Splashing can
cause the danger. Put on the discharging pipe, open the safery catch by turning it up and turn the lever into
position marked as opening of the cock. Discharge the bath only when the oil is cold.
Switch off the electric feeder and call seller´s proffesional service.
Guarentee does not cover all consumption parts succumable to common wear (rubber seals, bulbs, glas and
plastic parts etc.). The guarantee does not refer to the devices which were not instaled in correspondance with
instructions - by qualifi ed worker, in confi rmity with standards and when somebody handled incompetently the
device (interventions into inner equipment) or the device was operated by nonqualifi ed staff or at variance with
instructions for use. Guarantee does not also cover the damages caused due to infl uance of nature or other
outer intervention.