T C - 8 D O P E R A T O R ' S M A N U A L
Before any servicing of the TC-8D is attempted the unit should be
disconnected from the mains.
In the interests of safety both of personal and of the instrument, maintenance
and repair work should be carried out only by trained electronic or electro-
mechanical technicians. Untrained personnel should not attempt to
dismantle the instrument.
To remove the controller undo the screw at the bottom of the
controller and slide it out of the sleeve. Replacement is the reverse
of this. For further details on the controller refer to the Eurotherm
operating instructions supplied.
Access is gained to the solid state relay by removing the two screws
(15), using an Allen key 2.5mm A/F, and pulling the heatsink clear
of the unit. The relay is mounted on the rear of the heatsink (12) and
can be lifted clear after the removal of the two screws (14).