Slide the provided round solid bars into the perimeter seams of the fabric, top and bottom,
left and right sides.
Attach the provided square covers over the 4 angled corner brackets. Place the completed
frame onto the screen fabric which is laying on top of the provided plastic sheeting on the floor.
Please make sure that the screen fabric is perfectly centered, top and bottom, left and right before
moving on to the next step.
Use of the spring attachment tool.
Refer to the drawing which shows positions A, B, C & D while using the tool.
Begin by attaching two springs while using the spring attachment tool at each screen frame corner
in this order, A > B > C > D.
Please refer to the spring installation photographs on Page-26
Made by Adeo Screen Sp. Z o.o. (Poland) Specifications are subject to change without notice. E&OE
Please verify that you are working with the latest revision of this document before specifying your screen.
Doc: T-FI3 – Installation Manual rev4 | 01.01.2018
Page 27