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Liens rapides

Secure Your Furniture
Keep your home and family safe
with the wall anchor kit that is
included with the product.
Serious or fatal injuries can occur
from tipping furniture.
WARNING: Manufacturer assumes no liabilty for
improper instalation or excessive loads placed
on screws or bracket. This wall anchor is not a
substitue for the proper adult supervision.
3 In One Desk
Assembly Difficulty Meter



Sommaire des Matières pour Ameriwood HOME 9866012COM

  • Page 1 3 In One Desk THIS INSTRUCTION BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. PLEASE READ AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Secure Your Furniture Keep your home and family safe with the wall anchor kit that is included with the product. Easy Tough Assembly Difficulty Meter Serious or fatal injuries can occur from tipping furniture.
  • Page 2 Contact Us! Do NOT return this product! Contact our friendly customer service team first for help. Helpful Hints PEOPLE NEEDED FOR ASSEMBLY: 1-2 ESTIMATED ASSEMBLY TIME: 2-3 HOURS - Open your item in the area you plan to keep it to avoid excessive heavy lifting. - Identify, sort and count the parts before attempting assembly.
  • Page 3 Before You Start Read through each step carefully and follow the proper order Separate and count all your parts and hardware Give yourself enough room for the assembly process Have the following tools: Flat Head Screwdriver, #2 Phillips Head Screwdriver and Hammer Caution: If using a power drill or power screwdriver for screwing, please be aware to slow down and stop when screw is tight.
  • Page 4 Board Identification Not actual size Dresser Top Dresser Shelf Dresser Right Panel Dresser Left Panel Dresser Leg Dresser Bottom Stringer Desk Top Desk Right Panel Desk Left Panel Kick Adjustable Shelf Drawer Brace Drawer Front...
  • Page 5 Board Identification Not actual size WARNING AVERTISSMENT Warning Label Modesty Drawer Bottom SIDE BACK Drawer Side Drawer Back Back Panel This piece is paperboard construction. It is not made from wood, but is required for the assembly of your unit. SIDE BACK SIDE...
  • Page 6 Part List Actual Size (x44) (x24) (x2) (x2) (x24) (x10) #A22910 #A12120 #A22620 #A22920 #A22610 #A53510 Connector Bolt Screw Cam Lock Connector Housing Cam Bolt Angle Bracket (x7) #A13410 Screw (x30) (x18) #A11080 #A21970 (x4) (x3) Screw Drive Fastner (x40) #A80250 (x10) (x6)
  • Page 7 STEP 1 (x2) #A22620 (x3) (x1) Proper orientation of CAM LOCK #A22610 #A21660 finished edge...
  • Page 8 STEP 2 Marked with a "L" Left Cabinet Member (x9) (x3) #A11080 #A56770 finished edge marked with an 'L' Screw Position / Posción del tornillo / Position de la vis Note that the slide sets come bundled together. Each bunndle will make one drawer. You will need to open all 3 bundles to complete this step.
  • Page 9 STEP 3 (x2) (x1) (x5) Proper orientation of CAM LOCK #A22620 #A21660 #A22610 finished edge finished edge...
  • Page 10 STEP 4 Marked with a "R" Right Cabinet Member (x3) (x9) #A11080 #A56770 finished edge marked with an 'R' Screw Position / Posción del tornillo / Position de la vis Note that the slide sets come bundled together. Each bunndle will make one drawer. You will need to open all 3 bundles to complete this step.
  • Page 11 STEP 5 (x4) (x1) #A22610 #A84050 Do not fully tighten this screw. finished edge...
  • Page 12 STEP 6 (x2) (x2) (x1) Proper orientation of CAM LOCK #A22620 #A22910 #A21660 (x2) #A13410...
  • Page 13 STEP 7 (x6) (x4) #A22620 #A21660 Proper orientation of CAM LOCK...
  • Page 14 STEP 8...
  • Page 15 STEP 9 (x2) #A13410 Press the right panel (B) against the Stringer (G) and the Dresser Shelf (E) so the cam bolts (7) insert into the end hole of the Stringer (G) and the Dresser Shelf (E). Turn the cam locks (1) clockwise to lock in place.
  • Page 16 STEP 10 finished edge...
  • Page 17 STEP 11 WITH THE HELP OF ANOTHER PERSON, TURN UNIT OVER (x36) #A21110 IMPORTANT! THE BACK PANEL IS A STRUCTURAL PART OF THIS UNIT AND MUST BE INSTALLED PROPERLY. Position the back panel as shown. Flush the bottom edge of the back panel with the bottom edge of the bottom (D).
  • Page 18 STEP 12 (x2) #A22920 You will need to tap the connector (5) with a hammer to fully insert. Be sure the connector is positioned as shown before pushing into hole.
  • Page 19 STEP 13 Raw edge...
  • Page 20 STEP 14 WITH THE HELP OF ANOTHER PERSON, TURN UNIT ON TOP SIDE (C) (x16) (x8) #A12120 #A53510...
  • Page 21 STEP 15 (x3) (x1) (x2) Proper orientation of CAM LOCK #A22620 #A22610 #A21660...
  • Page 22 STEP 16 (x2) (x4) (x1) Proper orientation of CAM LOCK #A22620 #A22610 #A21660...
  • Page 23 STEP 17 Proper orientation of CAM LOCK (x2) (x2) (x1) #A22610 #A22620 #A21660...
  • Page 24 STEP 18 (x3) Proper orientation of CAM LOCK #A22620...
  • Page 25 STEP 19...
  • Page 26 STEP 20 (x3) #A13410...
  • Page 27 STEP 21...
  • Page 28 STEP 22...
  • Page 29 STEP 23 (x4) (x2) #A12120 #A53510...
  • Page 30 STEP 24 (x3) (x12) (x6) #A22610 #A12120 #A54520 Note: For the next several steps you will be assembling the drawer. Your model has three drawers. You will repeat each step three times until all three drawers are assembled.
  • Page 31 STEP 25 (x12) #A12120 Be sure the groove in the drawer sides is centered with the groove in the drawer front. If needed, loosen screws (6) in the drawer front, make needed adjustment and re-tighten screws. SIDE SIDE...
  • Page 32 STEP 26 Proper orientation of CAM LOCK (x3) (x3) #A22620 #A21520 You will need to tap the compression dowel (9) with a hammer to fully insert.
  • Page 33 STEP 27 SIDE SIDE...
  • Page 34 STEP 28 Slide the drawer bottom (P) into the groove of the drawer sides and drawer front. raw surface SIDE SIDE...
  • Page 35 STEP 29 You will need to tap with a hammer to fasten. (x18) #A21970 BACK...
  • Page 36 STEP 30 Left Drawer Member (x12) Right Drawer Member #A11080 (x6) #A12700 (x3) (x3) #A56770 #A50695 marked with a "R" Attach slides before handle. BACK SIDE marked with a "L" SIDE...
  • Page 37 STEP 31 For Masonry, Concrete, or other wall materials: Consult your local hardware store for appropriate anchors to securely attach the safety bracket. (x1) #A84050 IMPORTANT: THIS UNIT MUST BE SECURE TO THE WALL TO HELP PREVENT TIPOVER. FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS TO INSTALL THE ANTI-TIPPING SAFETY BRACKET PROVIDED WITH THIS PRODUCT.
  • Page 38 STEP 32 Note: The drawer bracket holes are slotted. Drawer fronts can be adjusted by loosening screws, making needed adjustments and retightening screws. roller cabinet member drawer runner roller drawer member cabinet member corredera de cajón corredera de mueble coulisse du tiroior coulisse du cabinet...
  • Page 39 STEP 33 (x4) #A80250 Insert 4 shelf support pins then put the adjustable shelf on them as shown.
  • Page 40 Maximum Loads This unit has been designed to support the maximum loads shown. Exceeding these load limits could cause sagging, instability, product collapse, and/or serious injury. 25 lbs 11.3 kg Warning Label (each drawer) 40 lbs 18.1 kg 100 lbs 45.4 kg 50 lbs 22.7 kg...
  • Page 41 Español Cubierta Delantera Este libro de instrucciones contiene información IMPORTANTE de seguridad. Por favor lea y manténgalo para referencia en el futuro. PRECAUCION Este mueble puede volcarse y causar graves heridas y/o muerte. Anclar el mueble a un poste de madera en la pared (si esto se requiere). No Permita que los niños monten el mueble.
  • Page 42 Español Página 10 Tenga en cuenta que los conjuntos de diapositivas vienen agrupados. Cada paquete hará un cajón. Usted tendrá que abrir los 3 paquetes para completar este paso. Vea la página 6 de estas instrucciones para clarificar lo que está en un paquete. Página 11 No apriete completamente este tornillo.
  • Page 43 Español Página 35 Usted tendrá que golpear con un martillo para sujetar. Página 36 Fije las correderas antes del mango. Página 37 Para mampostería, concreto u otro tipo de paredes: Acude a tu ferretería local para obtener los anclajes adecuados para fijar de forma segura el soporte de seguridad.
  • Page 44 Página 38 Nota: Los agujeros en el soporte del cajón están ranurados. Los frentes de los cajones se pueden ajustar aflojando los tornillos, haciendo los ajustes necesarios y apretando los tornillos. Página 39 CARGA MAXIMA Esta unidad ha sido diseñada para soportar la carga máxima anotada. El exceder estos límites puede causar inestabilidad, colapsarse y/o causar serias lesiones.
  • Page 45 Français Astuces Utiles (page 2) -Ouvrez votre article dans la zone que vous prévoyez de le garder pour moins de levage lourd -Identifier, trier et compter les pièces avant d'essayer d'assembler -Les goujons de compression sont taraudés avec un Marteau -Les glissières sont marquées d'un R (droit) et d'un L (gauche) pour un bon placement -Assurez-vous toujours de faire face la pointe situé...
  • Page 46 Français Page 17 IMPORTANT! LE PANNEAU ARRIÈRE EST UNE PARTIE STRUCTURELLE DE CE MEUBLE QUI DOIT ETRE INSTALLÉ CORRECTEMENT. Disposer le panneau arrière (L) comme indiqué. Ajuster le bord inférieur du panneau arrière avec le bord inférieur du bas (D). Aligner carrément et clouer (12) directement dans les coins arrière, comme indiqué. Assurez-vous que le meuble est carré.
  • Page 47 Français Page 37 * Ne jamais laisser enfants grimper ou s'accrocher sur les tiroirs, les portes ou les étagères * Ne jamais ouvrir plus d'un tiroir à la fois L'utilisation des pièces anti-basculement peut uniquement réduire, mais pas éliminer le risque de basculement.