Message volume: Press the up/down navigation key to adjust
the ring-tone volume.
Keypad: Press the Up/Down navigation key to select click, or
Key-tone volume: Press the up/down navigation key to adjust
the key-tone volume.
Reset: restore the default settings
Into the calculator, the calculator interface:
Press 0 - 9 numeric keys to enter the number to be calculated,
Press the navigation key to select the location on the screen
corresponding to add, subtract, multiply and divide symbols for
Press the # key for a decimal point.
Press the left soft key to clear the last bit can be input or the
Press the OK button to display the results.
Choose to enter the calendar, the screen will display the system
date on the calendar month, and have a background box marked
the current date. Press the navigation key to select the date,
calendar information on the screen will be updated accordingly.
Select any date, press the left soft key to enter options to the
Jump to date: Jump the selected date.
Go to today: the date of the input query calendar information.
You can use the phone as alarm clock, this feature allows you
to set time arrives, make the phone ring to remind issue.
When the alarm is turned on state, the alarm symbol is
displayed in the top of the screen.
When the alarm clock for reminders, press the left soft key to