Using Weighing Mode
Using Volume Mode
Example using the milk volume mode:
1. Place scale on a solid and flat surface.
2. Turn on scale by pressing
3. Wait until the LCD screen displays a "0" before loading the scale and press "Mode" to select
"milk" mode.
4. Press the "UNIT" button to convert from ml to cups.
5. Fill the measuring cup or bowl and the LCD screen with display volume of the liquid.
Note: If using a bowl with or without the measuring cup, do the following:
A. Place the bowl on the scale before turning on.
B. Refer to "zero" or "tare" section of this manual.
1. Place scale on a solid and flat surface.
2. Turn on scale by pressing
Note: If the LCD screen does not have a "g" in the bottom right hand
corner press unit once.
3. Wait until the LCD screen displays a "0" before loading
the scale.
4. Fill the measuring cup or bowl and the LCD screen will
display a weight reading.
Note: If using a bowl with or without the measuring cup, do the
A. Place the bowl on the scale before turning on.
B. Refer to "zero" or "tare" section of this manual.
to enter weighing mode.
to enter weighing mode.