Sommaire des Matières pour Atlantis Land A02-WIPCAM-11B
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at MULTILANGUAGE QUICK START GUIDE ITALIANO 1.1 Contenuto della confezione........5 1.2 I LED frontali............5 1.3 Le porte posteriori........... 6 1.4 Cablaggio ..............7 1.5 Settaggi di Default ..........9 1.6 Configurazione IP Security Cam ......9 1.7 Java/ActiveX Mode..........
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All manuals and user guides at MULTILANGUAGE QUICK START GUIDE...
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1.1 Contenuto della confezione Atlantis Land IP (wireless) Security Cam, CD-ROM contenente il manuale ed il software IP View SE, Guida di Quick Start, cavo CAT-5 LAN, Antenna esterna (solo nel modello A02-WIPCAM- 11B), Alimentatore (5V, 2.5A) e Piedistallo in metallo.
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Lan. Avvitare l’antenna a questo connettore Antenna Connector (presente solo modello A02-WIPCAM-11B) Dopo che il dispositivo è acceso, premere Reset per effettuare il reset o il restore. Le operazioni sono le seguenti: 1 secondi: per resettare il dispositivo (il Led Pwr comincerà...
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All manuals and user guides at ITALIANO condizioni iniziali (premere sino a che il tasto power comincerà a lampeggiare) Connettere l’alimentatore a questo jack POWER (jack) 1.4 Cablaggio Prendere il piedistallo dalla confezione e collegarlo all’ IP Security camera. Sono presenti, nella base del supporto, 3 fori da utilizzarsi per un fissaggio sulla parete.
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All manuals and user guides at ITALIANO Verificare che il LED Power sia acceso.
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All manuals and user guides at ITALIANO 1.5 Settaggi di Default Prima di iniziare la configurazione dell’Atlantis IP (wireless) Security Cam è necessario conoscere quali siano i settaggi di default: • Password: • Username: • Indirizzo IP: • SSSID=stringa vuota, Canale=11 1.6 Configurazione IP Security Cam Accedere col browser web al seguente indirizzo IP che di default...
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All manuals and user guides at ITALIANO Cliccando sulla sezione desiderata, nello spazio della homepage appariranno tutti i settaggi relativi alla configurazione della sezione scelta, oppure si apriranno tutta una serie di sottosezioni tra cui scegliere prima di avere accesso alle configurazione vere e proprie.
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All manuals and user guides at ITALIANO Camera Name* Date/Time*** Camera Name* - Il nome della Camera mostrato è contenuto nel campo Camera Name in System. Date/Time***- Viene mostrata l’ora e la data attuale. E’ possibile configurare nel dettaglio le funzioni E-Mail Upload ed Image Upload accedendo all’opportuna sezione.
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All manuals and user guides at ITALIANO 1.8 System Administration In questa sezione è possibile configurare nel dettaglio il dispositivo. Consultare il manuale completo presente nel CDRom a corredo.
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ENGLISH For more detailed instructions on configuring and using the IP (wireless) Security Cam, please refer to the online manual. 1.1 Package contents Atlantis Land IP (wireless) Security Cam, CD-ROM with manual and IPView SE, Quick Start Guide, cable CAT-5...
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All manuals and user guides at ENGLISH 1.3 The Rear Ports 10/100 Ethernet DC Power Reset Connector DC 5V Reset Button Network Antenna Cable Connector Port Meaning The Wireless Internet Camera’s rear panel Network Cable features an RJ-45 connector for connections to 10Base-T Ethernet cabling or 100Base- TX Fast Ethernet cabling There is the SMA type antenna connector...
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All manuals and user guides at ENGLISH 1.4 Cabling The Wireless Internet Camera comes with a camera stand with a swivel ball screw head that can be attached to the Wireless Internet Camera's bottom screw hole. Attach the camera stand to the Wireless Internet Camera and station it for your application.
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All manuals and user guides at ENGLISH input connector located on Wireless Internet Camera’s rear panel, and then connect it to your local power supply. Confirm power source is supplied from the LED indicators label Power on the Wireless Internet Camera is illuminated. 1.5 Default Settings Before you configure this IP (wireless) Security Cam, you need to know the following default settings:...
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All manuals and user guides at ENGLISH At the configuration homepage, the left navigation pane where bookmarks are provided links you directly to the desired setup page, including: View Image ActiveX Mode, View Image Java Mode, System Administration. 1.7 Java/ActiveX Mode To view video images from the browser, click “View Image –...
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All manuals and user guides at ENGLISH Camera Name* Date/Time*** Camera Name* - The Camera name will be display when the Camera Name field is entered in the Web Configuration setting under System. Date/Time***- The date/time of the video server will show the date and time that come from time server or you set manually.
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All manuals and user guides at ENGLISH 1.8 System Administration For more detailed instructions on configuring and using the IP (wireless) Security Cam, please refer to the online manual.
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CDRom fourni. 1.1 Contenu de la boîte Avant l’installation, assurez-vous de disposer des éléments suivants : Atlantis Land IP (wireless) Security Cam, CD-ROM avec Application IPView SE, Manuel, Guide d’installation rapide, Câble réseau RJ45 (Cat 5), Antenne (A02-WIPCAM-11B), Adaptateur secteur et Pied metallique.
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All manuals and user guides at FRANCAIS Signification Power Allumée quand l’IP Security Cam est sous tension Allumée quand le LAN (réseau) est connecté Orange= connexion à 100Mbps Link Clignote lors des transferts de données 1.3 Face arrière 10/100 Ethernet Reset Alimentation DC 5V...
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All manuals and user guides at FRANCAIS 1.4 Câblage L’IP Security Cam, qui est équipée de pas de vis sur les faces supérieure et inferieure, est livrée avec un pied orientable permettant de la fixer dans toutes les positions (table, mur, plafond).
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All manuals and user guides at FRANCAIS Vérifiez que la LED Power est allumée sur la face avant de votre IP Security Cam. 1.5 Configuration initiale Avant de commencer la configuration de l'IP (wireless) Security Cam, il est nécessaire d’en connaître la configuration par défaut : •...
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All manuals and user guides at FRANCAIS 1.6 Configuration avec le Browser Pour accéder à l’interface Web, lancez un navigateur Internet et tapez dans la barre adresse l’IP suivante : Vous entrerez dans le Menu Principal, dans la partie gauche on accédera à...
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All manuals and user guides at FRANCAIS Camera Name* Date/Time** Camera Name* - Le nom de l’IP Security CAM que l’on retrouve dans le champ Camera Name du menu System Administration. Date/Time**- L'heure et la date actuelles. Ppour la configuration E-mail Upload et Image Upload consulter le manuel contenu sur le CDRom fourni.
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All manuals and user guides at FRANCAIS 1.8 System Administration Dans cette section, vous pouvez configurer plus en détails l’IP Security CAM. Consultez le manuel complet présent dans le CDRom pour de plus amples renseignements.
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.This service will be provided for you directly by ATLANTIS LAND®, without asking you for more interventions, for example brought off by your usual retailer or by others operators.
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LAND® doesn’t take any kind of responsibility about any damages even if transport is at ATLANTIS LAND® charge. 12. Each ATLANTIS LAND® product is identified by a serial number (S/N), the cancellation, even partial, of it brings to the cancellation of the Guarantee.
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LAND® will move in what it will consider the best way to obtain the payment. ATLANTIS LAND® will put in a “unpaid invoice” data base the customer name; after that any guarantees on Atlantis Land products own by that customer will fall. Cancellation from this Data Base will take place only after the payment.
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All manuals and user guides at WARRANTY/GARANZIA/GARANTIE Gasperi, 122 – 20017 – Mazzo di Rho (MI) – Italy - Phone: +39 02-93907634. Any controversy will be up to the Foro di Milano. Important! See the web site about any possible update of warranty clauses...
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All manuals and user guides at WARRANTY/GARANZIA/GARANTIE DEMAND OF ASSISTANCE FORM Fill all the blanks, attach always a copy of the proof of purchase (Sale Receipt or Invoice), and add it all to the product for which you are asking for assistance. Defect:_______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Type:__________________ Serial Number __________________...
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ATLANTIS LAND , via De Gasperi, 122 – 20017 – Mazzo di Rho (MI). Data________________Signature______________________________ ® N.B.: The award of the information is facultative, but its lack will prevent ATLANTIS LAND from starting the Guarantee process requested.
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Clausole 1. Il prodotto è garantito per un periodo di 36 (trentasei) mesi dalla data di acquisto. 2. In questo periodo ATLANTIS LAND® effettuerà la sostituzione dell’apparato che presenti difetti di conformità alle specifiche del prodotto. 3. La sostituzione avverrà senza nessuna spesa a carico del...
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Consumatore, ed ATLANTIS LAND® non assume nessuna responsabilità circa eventuali danneggiamenti anche in caso di trasporto a carico di ATLANTIS LAND®. 12. Ogni prodotto ATLANTIS LAND® è identificato da un numero di riconoscimento o Serial Number (S/N). La...
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Modulo, palesemente danneggiati anche a motivo del trasporto (si veda clausola 9), mancanti di parti od accessori, o che comunque rientrino nelle clausole precedentemente riportate (dalla 10 alla 19) ATLANTIS LAND® provvederà alla fatturazione del prodotto sostitutivo al prezzo per il...
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24. Inoltre il nominativo del Consumatore stesso verrà riportato in una Banca Dati di proprietà ATLANTIS LAND®, che da quel momento non riconoscerà più alcuna garanzia al Consumatore in oggetto quale soggetto moroso, ma procederà, per ogni eventuale ulteriore situazione, come da Garanzia Standard.
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All manuals and user guides at WARRANTY/GARANZIA/GARANTIE MODULO RICHIESTA ASSISTENZA Compilare in ogni sua parte, allegare sempre una copia della prova di acquisto valido (Scontrino Fiscale o Fattura), ed unire il tutto al prodotto per il quale si richiede l’assistenza. Difetto riscontrato:______________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Modello:__________________Numero Seriale_______________...
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Consenso al trattamento dei dati ai sensi degli art. 11 e 20 L. 675/96 TUTELA DELLA PRIVACY. Autorizzo ATLANTIS LAND® ad inserire i miei dati personali nella banca dati della quale è titolare, al solo fine di applicare la Garanzia al prodotto in oggetto e per la successiva gestione amministrativa, commerciale e statistica.
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Ces produits de la gamme Réseau-Moniteur bénéficient d’une forme particulière de Garantie “HOT SWAP” pendant 36 mois. ATLANTIS LAND pense en effet que ces produits sont absolument vitaux pour votre productivité, et qu’il faut donc les remplacer le plus rapidement possible.
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ATLANTIS LAND n’acceptera aucune responsabilité pour les éventuels dommages, même en cas de transport aux frais d’ATLANTIS LAND. Tout produit ATLANTIS LAND est identifié par un numéro d’identification (S/N), l’effacement, même partiel, de ce numéro provoque l’annulation de la Garantie.
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Fiche, à cause du transport, non complet (accessoires, ou qui rentrent dans les clauses d’exclusion (de 10 à 19) ATLANTIS LAND facturera le produit de remplacement au Consommateur au prix du jour, additionné des frais d’envoi, de retrait et d’une contribution de vérification de 45 €.
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Au cas où, dans les conditions des clauses 20 et 21, le Consommateur n’effectue le payment dans un maximum de 30 jours, ATLANTIS LAND adoptera les mesures les plus convenables pour se dédommager du non payement. Le nom du Consommateur sera inclus dans une banque de données ATLANTIS LAND, qui a partir de ce moment ne reconnaitra plus aucune garantie étendue au Consommateur...
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All manuals and user guides at WARRANTY/GARANZIA/GARANTIE FICHE DE DEMANDE D’ASSISTANCE Remplissez cette fiche et joignez y une copie de la preuve d’achat (ticket de caisse ou facture), du produit pour lequel vous demandez une assistance. Défaut rencontré:_______________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Modèle:_____________ Numéro de Série : __________________ Pour tout renseignements contacter: _____________________________________________________...
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A tout moment, selon les articles de loi ,je pourrai demander le changement ou l’effacement des données, ou m’opposer à leur utilisation, en signalant ma décision à ATLANTIS LAND®, 57 rue d’Amsterdam 75008 Paris ou via De Gasperi, 122 – 20017 – Mazzo di Rho (MI).