Vay Adam Krt. 4-6 / 2 Em.208 H-4400 Nyiregyhaza, Hungary
filled in by the contractor
Heating boiler ESPRO - _________________________________________________
Factory number _________________________________________________________
The boiler is installed at the address ______________________________________
Consumer (name) ______________________________________________________
Contact phone of the Consume__________________________________________
1) Commissioning:
(name of enterprise, organization, legal address)
__________________________________________________ ___________________
(position, surname, name, patronymic of the performer)
- Mains voltage "L1" ___________________ V, "L2" ________ V, "L3" _________ V.
- Grounding ac № ____________________, date ______ ______________ 20 ____.
- Water pressure in the heating system___________bar.
- Maximum current of the cut-off circuit breaker ________________________ А.
Date of commissioning _________________________________________________
2) Connection to the mains
and instruction on boiler operation:
(name of enterprise, organization, legal address)
__________________________________________________ ___________________
(position, surname, name, patronymic of the performer)
3) Instruction was carried out, the consumer is acquainted
with the rules of operation of the boiler
________________________________ ________________ ____________________
Producer: «S Plusz K Technik Kft»,
The date of manufacture is indicated on the boiler nameplate
(date, month, year)
(date, month, year)