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All manuals and user guides at Instruction Manual Electric Kettle...
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All manuals and user guides at ENGLISH ........4 FRANÇAIS ........10 ÐÓÑÑÊÈÉ ........16 ÓÊÐÀ¯ÍÑÜÊÀ ....... 22...
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All manuals and user guides at Electric Kettle SGK-9900 Please read the safety instructions carefully before using this appli- ance. Please retain the instructions for future reference. SAFETY MEASURES When using your appliance, the following basic safety precautions should always be followed: Before using for the first time, check that the appli- ance voltage is the same as your local supply.
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All manuals and user guides at SPECIAL SAFETY MEASURES Do not touch hot surfaces of the appliance. Do not touch outer surfaces of the kettle with the excep- tion of the heat insulated handle, when water is boiling or with hot water inside the device. Allow kettle to cool prior to cleaning and storing.
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All manuals and user guides at After using the appliance let it cool for a few minutes. After that you can boil water in it again. DESCRIPTION OF PARTS OF THE APPLIANCE Picture A: 1. Metal body 2. Lid 3.
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All manuals and user guides at 9. If water goes cool, and you want to re-boil (or heat) it again, turn the kettle on again. CARE AND CLEANING 1. Before cleaning or storing disconnect the kettle from the mains supply and wait till it cools com- pletely.
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All manuals and user guides at DISPOSAL The appliance should be disposed of in accor- dance with waste disposal regulations in your coun- try and with the least damage to the environment. Only ecologically safe materials are used in the packaging of our products and the cardboard and paper can be disposed of with normal paper waste.
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All manuals and user guides at Features may be changed by Binatone without any notice. Warranty details are set out in the warranty card provided with the product. Exploitation period: 3 years after the day of purchase. Manufacture: Binatone Industries Ltd, Great Britain, Vitabiotics...
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All manuals and user guides at Bouilloire électrique SGK-9900 Lisez attentivement cette instruction avant le premier usage pour prendre connaissance du fonctionnement de l’appareil. Gardez l’instruction pour s’y référer ultérieurement. MESURES DE SECURITE En exploitant l’appareil, respectez toujours les me- sures de sécurité...
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All manuals and user guides at Respectez toutes les règles de la présente instruction. Ne pas utiliser l’appareil qui a des défauts mécaniques (enfon- cements, cassures, …) : vérifiez son fonctionnement dans un cen- tre de service agréé MESURES SPÉCIALES DE SÉCURITÉ...
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All manuals and user guides at contact et ne pas utiliser les raccords. ATTENTION! La connexion au réseau sans mise à la terre peut conduire à un choc électrique. Nettoyez souvent l’élément chauffant de la bouilloire du dépôt calcique (tartre). Notez que l’utilisation de la bouilloire fortement calcinée peut conduire à...
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All manuals and user guides at NOTICE D’UTILISATION 1. Mettez la bouilloire avec le support sur une sur- face sèche et horizontale. 2. Enlevez la bouilloire du support (8) et ouvrez le couvercle (2) en pressant le bouton (3). 3.
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All manuals and user guides at 2 moyens de détartrage: Avec du vinaigre blanc 9%: – Versez un demi-litre d’eau chaude et ajoutez 2 cuillers de soup de vinaigre blanc 9%. – Laissez la bouilloire pour une heure sans la faire bouillir. –...
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Le délai de garantie et autres pieces sont indiqués dans le ticket de garanti joint à l’appareil. Durée de service: 3 ans du jour d’acquisition. Fabricant: Binatone Industries Ltd, Great Britain, Vitabiotics House,1 Apsley Way, Staples Corner, London, NW2 7HF, UK (Binatone Industries Ltd, Grande Bretagne)
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All manuals and user guides at Ýëåêòðè÷åñêèé ÷àéíèê SGK-9900 Âíèìàòåëüíî ïðî÷òèòå èíñòðóêöèþ ïåðåä ïåðâûì èñïîëüçîâà- íèåì, ÷òîáû îçíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ ðàáîòîé íîâîãî ïðèáîðà. Ïîæàëóé- ñòà, ñîõðàíèòå èíñòðóêöèþ äëÿ äàëüíåéøèõ ñïðàâîê. МЕРЫ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ Âî âðåìÿ ýêñïëóàòàöèè ïðèáîðà âñåãäà ñîáëþ- äàéòå ñëåäóþùèå ìåðû ïðåäîñòîðîæíîñòè: Ïåðåä...
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All manuals and user guides at Íå ïîëüçóéòåñü ïðèáîðîì â çîíàõ, ãäå â âîçäóõå ìîãóò ñîäåðæàòüñÿ ñìåñè ãîðþ÷èõ ãàçîâ, ïàðû ëåãêîâîñïëàìåíÿþùåéñÿ æèäêîñòè èëè â çîíàõ, ãäå â âîçäóõå ìîãóò ñîäåðæàòüñÿ ãîðþ÷èå ïûëè èëè âîëîêíà. Ýòîò ïðèáîð ïðåäíàçíà÷åí òîëüêî äëÿ äîìàøíåãî èñïîëüçî- âàíèÿ...
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All manuals and user guides at Ïîäêëþ÷àéòå ïðèáîð òîëüêî ê ýëåêòðîñåòè ñ çàùèòíûì çàçåìëåíè- åì. Åñëè Âàøà ðîçåòêà íå èìååò çàùèòíîãî çàçåìëåíèÿ, îáðàòèòåñü ê êâàëèôèöèðîâàííîìó ñïåöèàëèñòó. Íå ïåðåäåëûâàéòå øòåïñåëü- íóþ âèëêó è íå èñïîëüçóéòå ïåðåõîäíûå óñòðîéñòâà. ÂÍÈÌÀÍÈÅ! Ïðè ïîäêëþ÷åíèè ê ñåòè áåç çàùèòíîãî çàçåìëåíèÿ âîçìîæíî...
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All manuals and user guides at ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ПО ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ 1. Ïîñòàâüòå ÷àéíèê ñ ïîäñòàâêîé íà ñóõóþ ãîðèçîíòàëüíóþ ïîâåðõíîñòü. 2. Ñíèìèòå ÷àéíèê ñ ïîäñòàâêè (8) è îòêðîéòå êðûøêó (2), íàæàâ íà êíîïêó (3). 3. Çàïîëíèòå ÷àéíèê âîäîé. Óáåäèòåñü, ÷òî óðîâåíü âîäû íàõîäèòñÿ íå âûøå ìàêñè- ìàëüíîé...
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All manuals and user guides at ПОЛЕЗНЫЕ СОВЕТЫ Â ðàéîíàõ ñ âûñîêîé ñòåïåíüþ æåñòêîñòè âîäû íåîáõîäèìî ðåãóëÿðíî óäàëÿòü íàêèïü èç ïðèáîðà äëÿ ïîääåðæàíèÿ åãî â õîðîøåì ñîñòîÿíèè, ïîñ- êîëüêó èçáûòîê íàêèïè â ïðèáîðå ìîæåò ïðèâåñòè ê åãî íåïðàâèëüíîé ðàáîòå èëè ïîëîìêå. ×àñòîòà î÷èñòêè...