Ref :
472 056
4.3 Setup with the VTT console
Connect the sensor,
Turn on the VTT
If the sensor is not recognized, update your VTT console on your PC with the
Espace-VTT software diskette:
Connect the console to your PC,
Open the VTT window by clicking on the icon
Click on install
Install the Biosflash software,
The sensor can now be used with VTT:
- in the self-powered mode
- connected to a computer (in this case, acquisition software such as
Compliss or Sérénis is required)
4.4 Setup with the ESAO Primo console
The sensor is recognized by the interface by default.
Connect the console to your PC
Connect the sensor to the console
Run your acquisition software.
5 Example: arterial blood pressure and
heart rate with the Serenis software
5.1 Setting up the experiment
Place the armband on the lower bicep while positioning the
stethoscope on the artery located on the inside of the elbow.
Connect the sensor to the VTT console.
Connect the first flexible tube to the VTT sensor in the "variation"
mode and the second tube to the bulb.
You can attach the plastic valve between the bulb and the flexible tube for
optimal deflation control.
on your desktop,