7. Fastening of the top straps
8. Fastening of the bottom straps
9. Fastening of the side straps
Typical bottom fitting position
Fix the two upper strap hooks (in a secure place) on the rear of the
Adjust the straps in accordance to the correct position. Make sure that
these are secure and are as central as possible to prevent loosening.
Fix the two bottom strap hooks (in a secure place) on the rear of the
vehicle. If it cannot be placed in this position, then try the shock
absorber or chassis rail.
Make sure that the belt will not come into contact with anything that
might cause it to break. Make sure that these are secure and are as
central as possible to prevent loosening.
Fitting the frame straps
Fix the two side strap hooks (in a secure place) on the rear sides of the
vehicle. One should be securely fastened to the left hand side of the
vehicle and the other to the right. Make sure that the bottom straps
are fastened tightly followed by checking the top straps before
fastening the side straps, retighten where required.
Typical top fitting position
Typical side fitting position