Sommaire des Matières pour saia-burgess ALE3D5FD10C3A00
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69,5 69.5 Pic. 1 Pic. 3 Modbus with serial interface RS485 max. 1‘200 m only with Terminals E1 and E2 dual tariff meter * Connection for the control signal from the ripple control receiver for tariff switching * 100 Imp/kWh only on not-MID Version Pic.
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Steuerstromkreis Schraubendreher Pozi Nr. 0, Schlitz EG-Konformitätserklärung Nr. 2, Anzugsmoment 0,8 Nm Betriebstemperatur -25… +55 °C ■ Wir, Saia-Burgess Controls AG, CH 3280 Murten (nicht kondensierend (Schweiz), erklären in alleiniger Verantwortung, dass gemäss Norm EN50470) die Energiezählerprodukte: Anzeigeelemente (Pic. 4) ALE3D5FD10C3A00 ■...
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■ Wenn die gewünschte Adresse erreicht ist, warten Sie bis die Hauptanzeige wieder erscheint ■ Saia-Burgess Controls AG Bahnhofstrasse 18 I CH-3280 Murten I Schweiz T +41 26 / 672 72 72 I F +41 26 / 672 74 99...
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Conductor cross-section max. 2,5 mm ■ Control circuit Screwdriver Pozi No. 0, slotted Declaration of Conformity CE No. 2, breakaway torque 0,8 Nm We, Saia-Burgess Controls Ltd., CH 3280 Murten Operating -25… +55°C (noncondensing ■ (Switzerland),herewith declare, on our own responsibil- temperature...
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■ Once the address is selected wait for the root menu to come back ■ Saia-Burgess Controls AG Bahnhofstrasse 18 I CH-3280 Murten I Schweiz T +41 26 / 672 72 72 I F +41 26 / 672 74 99...
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Dichiarazione di conformità CE coppia di serraggio 1,5… 2 Nm Morsetti Sezione conduttori max. 2,5 mm Noi, Saia-Burgess Controls SA, CH 3280 Morat ■ circuito di comando cacciavite Pozi Nr. 0, a taglio Nr. 2, (Svizzera),dichiarammo in nostra propria responsabilità...
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■ Al raggiungimento dell’indirizzo desiderato aspettare fino a quando riappare il menu principale ■ Saia-Burgess Controls AG Bahnhofstrasse 18 I CH-3280 Murten I Schweiz T +41 26 / 672 72 72 I F +41 26 / 672 74 99 I
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Section de conducteur maximal ■ Circuit de commande 2,5 mm , Tournevis Pozi n° 0, plat Nous, Saia-Burgess Controls SA, CH 3280 Morat N° 2, couple de serrage 0,8 Nm (Suisse), déclarons sous notre propre responsabilité que les produits: Température de -25 à...
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■ Lorsque l’adresse est sélectionnée, attendre que le menu initial s’affiche de nouveau ■ Saia-Burgess Controls AG Bahnhofstrasse 18 I CH-3280 Murten I Schweiz T +41 26 / 672 72 72 I F +41 26 / 672 74 99 I
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Registers For double registers (4–5, 16–17, 28–29, 30–31, 32–33) the high register is sent first (big_Endian). Partial counters (30–31, 34-35) can be reset by writing 0 in both registers in the same message. Read Description Unit Read Description Unit Firmware-Version Ex: 11 = FW 1.1 URMS phase 1 Effective Voltage of...
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Menu to display the value on LCD Start > 3 s T1 total visualization combined heat cooling IT / Data (VISI+) and power station building protocol (VISI+) energy- heating remote alarming management (VISI+) > 20 s tele- temperature sheduler alarming lighting communication (VISI+)