Techn cal Data
Techn cal and des gn mod f cat ons reserved.
Made n P.R.C.
Model no:
Rated Power:
Contact deta ls for obta n ng more
nformat on:
Parameter of external power supply
Model dent f er:
Input Voltage:
Input Frequency:
Input Current:
Output Voltage:
Output Current:
Output Power:
Average act ve eff c ency:
Eff c ency at low load (10%):
No-load power consumpt on:
14 / EN
36 W
Arcel k A.S. SUTLUCE, Karaagac cad. 2-6, 34445
Beyoglu Istanbul Türke
E-TEK Electron cs Manufactory Co.,Ltd .
50/60 Hz
1.0 A
12.0 V DC
3.0 A
36.0 W
87.5 %
86.0 %
0.08 W
Air purifier/ Instruction Manual