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All manuals and user guides at K 079 Favorito Saç Kesme Makinesi Hair Clipper...
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All manuals and user guides at MAIN PARTS On/Off Switch Blade Lever Top Blade Bottom Blade...
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All manuals and user guides at SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS The hair and beard trimmer, the power cord must not come into ·9 contact with water or any other liquid because of the risk of an electric shock. For this reason you should never use the appliance near a wash-basin or while having a bath.
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All manuals and user guides at battery, this charging and discharging process should be repeated approximately twice a year. Never use the appliance with a defective guide comb or cutting head. This could cause cuts. Only use the trimmer as intended Only cut natural hair. The hair has to be clean and dry when you cut itl If necessary, you can dampen the hair slightly.
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All manuals and user guides at Remove the cutting head by pushing it backwards as shown. Press the white catch and squeeze one to two drops of oil between each pair of cutting teeth. Click the catch back into place and push it with the cutting teeth to and fro to spread the oil.
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All manuals and user guides at PARÇALARI On/Off düğmesi Bıçak yükseklik ayarlayıcı Üst bıçak Alt bıçak...
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All manuals and user guides at ÖNEMLİ EMNİYET TALİMATLARI Saç ve sakal kesme makinesi, fişli kablo elektrik çarpma riski olduğu için su veya diğer sıvılarla temas etmemelidir. Bu sebepten dolayı cihazı asla küvetin yanında veya duş alırken kullanılmamalıdır. Eğer şarj edici veya cihazın kendisi suya düşerse adaptörün fişini hemen prizden çekiniz.
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All manuals and user guides at KULLANIMI Cihazı asla hasar görmüş bir ölçü tarağı veya kesici başlık ile kullanmayınız. Bu kesiklere neden olabilir. Saç kesme makinasını amacı dahilinde kullanınız, sadece doğal saçları kesiniz. Saçınız eğer mümkünse keseceğiniz zaman temiz ve kuru olmalıdır, saçınızı hafifçe nemlendirebilirsiniz.
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All manuals and user guides at Bir bez ile artan yağları temizleyiniz. Eğer cihazla beraber verilmiş olan yağ biterse, sadece diş makinesi yağı gibi asit içermeyen yağ kullanınız. KESİCİ BAŞLIĞIN YERİNE TAKILMASI Sadece orijinal aksesuarlar kullanınız. Kesici başlık, ölçü tarağı gibi aksesuarları özel mağazalardan temin edebilirsiniz.
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All manuals and user guides at Ein / Aus-Schalter Blade-Hebel Top Klingen Untermesser...
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All manuals and user guides at SICHERHEITSHINWEISE Das Haar -und Bartschneider , das Netzkabel darf nicht in 9 · Kontakt mit Wasser oder anderen Flüssigkeiten , da die Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlages zu kommen. Aus diesem Grund sollten Sie das Gerät nie in der Nähe eines Waschtisch verwenden oder beim Baden .
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All manuals and user guides at Die Batterie sollte dann wieder voll aufgeladen werden. Um die Lebensdauer der Batterie zu erhöhen , sollte diese Lade-und Entladevorgang etwa zweimal pro Jahr wiederholt werden. Das Gerät darf nicht mit einem defekten Führungskamm oder Schneid kopf.
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All manuals and user guides at REINIGUNG UND PFLEGE Verhindern, dass der Trimmer feucht wird . Nach Gebrauch die Haar Ausschnitte aus dem Schneidkopf mit der Bürste . Wenn der Schneidkopf regelmäßig verwendet wird , sollte es gelegentlich geölt werden. Einölen des Cuting Kopf Entfernen Sie die Führungskamm von der Trimmer.
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All manuals and user guides at Interrupteur On / Off Lame levier Haut de lame Lame de fond...
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All manuals and user guides at CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ Les cheveux et à barbe , le cordon d'alimentation ne doit pas entrer en · 9 contact avec l'eau ou tout autre liquide en raison du risque d'un choc électrique . Pour cette raison, vous ne devez jamais utiliser l'appareil à proximité...
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All manuals and user guides at Conseils La nouvelle batterie ne parvient pas d'abord leur capacité de charge maximale . Pour obtenir la capacité de charge maximale , la batterie doit être complètement chargée avant d'être utilisés pour la première fois et puis les cheveux et à barbe doivent être utilisées jusqu'à...
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All manuals and user guides at Coupe ou d'amincissement votre barbe Poussez les uplowards de commutation à la sur Le peigne de guidage est adapté pour les cheveux courts . Coupez vos cheveux dans des contextes plus en plus rapprochés à la longueur désirée . NETTOYAGE ET ENTRETIEN Empêcher la tondeuse de devenir humide .
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All manuals and user guides at On / Off Leva lama Top lama In basso lama...
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All manuals and user guides at NORME DI SICUREZZA I capelli e la barba trimmer , il cavo di alimentazione non devono venire a· 9 contatto con l'acqua o qualsiasi altro liquido a causa del rischio di una scossa elettrica . Per questo motivo non si dovrebbe mai utilizzare l'apparecchio vicino a un lavandino o pur avendo un bagno .
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All manuals and user guides at Suggerimenti La nuova batteria non raggiunge inizialmente la capacità massima di carico . Per ottenere la massima capacità di carica , la batteria deve essere completamente carica prima di essere utilizzati per la prima volta e poi i capelli e la barba trimmer devono essere utilizzati fino a quando la batteria è...
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All manuals and user guides at Taglio o diradamento la barba Spingere i uplowards passare alla su Il pettine guida è adatta per capelli corti . Tagliare i capelli in ambienti progressivamente più stretti fino alla lunghezza desiderata . PULIZIA E CURA Evitare che il trimmer di diventare umido.
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at
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All manuals and user guides at 6 8 10 12 15...
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All manuals and user guides at " " . 1 .2 V.
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