The Navigation Bar (7) is always visible and allows you to
access key functionality at all times.
Tap to navigate to the left in the menu structure.
Adjust the time and date.
Set your play mode to repeat and/or shuffle.
Shows the remaining playback time of the current
track. Tap to access the different play screens.
Set the volume or mute your Olive.
The Neworks icon shows the current network connection
status and allows you to access the network setup wizard.
Wirelessly connected to your network.
Wired connection to your network.
Not connected to the network.
i A white network logo indicates you have network
connection and internet access. An orange network logo
indicates you are connected to the network, but have no
internet connection. For more information about connecting
to your network please refer to page 10.
Great user manuals database on
Here is what you will find in each main category:
your Olive 4HD. Browse by genre, album, artist, track or
external source such as a PC, Mac or NAS* or start
music playback from a source that is connected to the
Digital Input.
all over the world. This feature only appears if the Olive
4HD is connected to the internet (page 15).
network setup, software update, backup & restore and
*PC, Mac or NAS must be in same network as Olive 4HD
and music must be shared with a fully UPnP DLNA compliant
software package. We support Tversity for PC and Twonky
Media for Macintosh.
Access all the music that is stored on
Play music that is stored on an
Browse internet radio stations from
Access all system settings, including
O L I V E 4 H D Q U I C K S T A R T G U I D E