COPY DISTANCE (only for V: 1.2 or later):
The LEDs flash quickly for 1 second:
bring the remote controls closer and
repeat the copy
This procedure allows you to create a new FACILE-MF using a source FACILE-MF.
Step 1: press and hold button 1 of the new FACILE-MF, then press button 2 four times. When the LEDs start flashing in sequence,
release both buttons and position the remote control to be duplicated in front of the FACILE-MF.
Step 2 (follow the procedure based on the type of remote control you have):
Remote controls Fix Code and Rolling-code:
Keep the button of the source FACILE-MF
remote control pressed until the LEDs of the
new FACILE-MF all start flash simultaneously.
Press now the button of FACILE-MF in which
you want to insert the code
wait for the corresponding LED turn off.
Step 3: Copying was successful. For correct use of the FACILE-MF remote control, refer to the automation instruction manual.
NOTE: If the code has not been learned correctly, the LEDs relating to buttons 1-2-4 of the FACILE-MF light up at the same time, repeat
the operation from Step 1. The memory of the FACILE-MF is completely rewritable, therefore it is possible overwrite more buttons.
This procedure allows you to duplicate the serial code of the original remote control.
WARNING! With this copy procedure, each time the button copied to FACILE-MF is pressed, the serial code increases, making the
original remote control incompatible with the automation.
Step 1: press and hold button 2 of the FACILE-MF, then press button 1 four times. When the LEDs start flashing in sequence, release
both buttons and position the remote control to be duplicated in front of the FACILE-MF.
The LEDs light up steadily for 1 second:
move away the remote controls and
repeat the copy
just learned and
Remote controls BFT, FAAC/GENIUS, V2:
Keep the button of the source FACILE-MF remote control pressed until
the LED corresponding to button 2 of the new FACILE-MF stays on for
about 3 seconds, then it starts to flash. Now send the SEED (source
code) of the source FACILE-MF remote control by pressing buttons 1
and 2 simultaneously for about 5 seconds until the LEDs flash all at the
same time, press and release the button of the remote control you
want to copy (the corresponding LED stays on for about 6 seconds,
equivalent to the time duration of the SEED code sending). When the
LEDs of the new FACILE-MF start flashing all at the same time, press
the button of the FACILE-MF in which you want to enter the code just
learned and wait for the corresponding LED turn off.
The LEDs flash: press the FACILE-MF
remote control button to memorize