Sommaire des Matières pour Team International LSH 1
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I/B. Don’t change the page numbering. Keep the Fax +32 2 359 95 50 language integrity. DAMENRASIERER LADY SHAVER RASOIR DAMES LADY SHAVER DEPILADORA DEPILADORA ДАМСКА САМОБРЪСНАЧКА TEAM LSH 1 2 x 1.5 V AA (LR06) I/B Version 091203 Front cover page (first page) Assembly page 1/20...
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210 mm height). When folding, make sure you keep the good numbering when you turn the pages of the I/B. Don’t change the page numbering. Keep the Fax +32 2 359 95 50 language integrity. TEAM LSH 1 - 091203 Assembly page 2/20...
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Копче за Вкл./Изключване Tondeuse Тример за дълги косми Grille de protection Защитно фолио Touche de déverrouillage Бутон за освобождаване Couvercle de protection Защитно капаче Batterijvak Aan-/uitschakelaar Trimmer voor langere haartjes Beschermrooster Ontgrendelingsknop Beschermkapje TEAM LSH 1 - 091203 Assembly page 3/20...
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Wir empfehlen Ihnen, vor dem Gebrauch ein warmes Bad oder eine warme Dusche zu nehmen, damit Ihre Haut geschmeidig wird und Ihre Poren sich weiten. Verwenden Sie eventuell Kosmetika, die speziell geeignet sind, um Ihre Haut vorzubereiten und so das Rasieren TEAM LSH 1 - 091203 Assembly page 4/20...
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Für jede Bestellung von Klingen und/oder Schutzgitter, kontaktieren Sie bitte den Kundendienst, dessen Adresse auf der Garantiekarte steht. Die Referenz ist ST. TEAM LSH 1. UMWELTSCHUTZ – RICHTLINIE 2002/96/EG Zum Schutz unserer Umwelt und unserer Gesundheit sind Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte nach bestimmten Regeln zu entsorgen.
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Make use of cosmetics especially made to prepare your skin to make shaving less painful. After use, you can use cream to soften the possible irritation of the skin. TEAM LSH 1 - 091203 Assembly page 6/20...
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For any order of blades and/or a protective foil, please contact the after sales service, whose address is on the warranty card. The reference is ST. TEAM LSH 1. PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT – DIRECTIVE 2002/96/EC In order to preserve our environment and protect human health, the waste electrical and electronic equipment should be disposed of in accordance with specific rules with the implication of both suppliers and users.
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UTILISATION DE VOTRE APPAREIL Avant toute utilisation, nous vous conseillons de prendre un bain ou une douche chaude afin d’assouplir votre peau et de dilater ses pores. Eventuellement faites usage de produits TEAM LSH 1 - 091203 Assembly page 8/20...
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Pour toute commande de lames et/ou la grille de protection, veuillez vous adresser au service après-vente dont les coordonnées figurent sur votre carte de garantie. La référence est ST. TEAM LSH 1. PROTECTION DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT – DIRECTIVE 2002/96/CE Afin de préserver notre environnement et notre santé, l’élimination en fin de vie des appareils électriques et électroniques doit se faire selon des règles bien précises et nécessite...
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Maak eventueel gebruik van speciaal daarvoor geschikte cosmetica om de huid voor te bereiden en zo het scheren minder pijnlijk te maken. Na gebruik kunt u een speciale crème gebruiken om de huid te verzachten. TEAM LSH 1 - 091203 Assembly page 10/20...
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Om messen en/of een beschermroostertje te bestellen, gelieve de dienst naverkoop te contacteren. U vindt de gegevens op de garantiekaart. De referentie is ST. TEAM LSH 1. MILIEUBESCHERMING – RICHTLIJN 2002/96/EG Om ons milieu en onze gezondheid te beschermen, moet afgedankte elektrische en elektronische apparatuur in overeenstemming met welbepaalde regels weggegooid worden.
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UTILIZACIÓN DE LA MÁQUINA Antes de afeitarse, le recomendamos que tome un baño o una ducha caliente para suavizar su piel y dilatar los poros. Pueden ser utilizados cosméticos especialmente concebidos para TEAM LSH 1 - 091203 Assembly page 12/20...
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Para cualquier encargo de cuchillas y/ o lámina protectora, dirígese al servicio posventa cuyas señas están en su carta de garantía. La referencia es ST. TEAM LSH 1. PROTECCIÓN DEL MEDIO AMBIENTE – DIRECTIVA 2002/96/CE Para poder preservar nuestro medio ambiente y proteger la salud humana, los residuos eléctricos y equipos electrónicos deberían ser destruidos de acuerdo con unas normas...
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UTILIZAÇÃO DO APARELHO Antes de utilizar o aparelho, aconselhamos que tome banho ou duche para suavizar a pele e dilatar os poros. Pode utilizar cosméticos especialmente concebidos para preparar a pele e TEAM LSH 1 - 091203 Assembly page 14/20...
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Para qualquer pedido de lâminas e/ou grelha de protecção, por favor, contacte com o serviço pós-venda, cujo endereço está no cartão de garantia do aparelho. A referência é ST. TEAM LSH 1. PROTECÇÃO DO MEIO AMBIENTE – DIRECTIVA 2002/96/CE Para a preservação do ambiente e da nossa saúde, a eliminação no fim da vida útil dos aparelhos eléctricos e electrónicos, deve-se efectuar no cumprimento das legislações em...
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отворят порите. Използвайте козметика, предназначена да подготви кожата Ви за бръснене без болка. След употреба можете да използвате крем, за да предотвратите възпаление на кожата. • Махнете защитното капаче (6). • Плъзнете копчето за да включите уреда. TEAM LSH 1 - 091203 Assembly page 16/20...
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Свържете се със сервиза за да поръчате ножчета и/или защитно фолио. Адресите на сервиза ще намерите в гаранционната карта. Номера за поръчка е ST. TEAM LSH 1. ЗАЩИТА НА ОКОЛНАТА СРЕДА – ДИРЕКТИВА 2002/96/EC За защита на околната среда и човешкото здраве, отпадъчното електрическо и...
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210 mm height). When folding, make sure you keep the good numbering when you turn the pages of the I/B. Don’t change the page numbering. Keep the Fax +32 2 359 95 50 language integrity. TEAM LSH 1 - 091203 Assembly page 19/20...
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210 mm height). When folding, make sure you keep the good numbering when you turn the pages of the I/B. Don’t change the page numbering. Keep the Fax +32 2 359 95 50 language integrity. TEAM LSH 1 Deutsch English Français Nederlands Español...