Pressing the RIGHT key several more times will get you to the "Default
Set" parameter. Select "Execute" (using UP or DOWN) and press OK to
restore all parameters (including the Mode and Video Length parameters
you changed a minute ago) back to their original factory default settings. The
default settings for each parameter are indicated in bold type in the SETUP
Menu tables on the next several pages.
Be sure to set the current date and time, using the "Set Clock" parameter,
if you choose to change the "Time Stamp" parameter setting to "On" since
that will tell the camera to imprint the date and time on each of the images
it captures.
Time Lapse Feature
Time Lapse is a revolutionary new feature for the Tasco Trail Cam, which
allows you to monitor your food plots or field edges with time lapse images
or video. When set to "On", the Trail Cam will take a photo (or record a video
clip) automatically at your choice of intervals during a block of time you set
up for each day, without requiring a trigger from an active animal. This
has the advantage of giving you the ability to monitor the edge of a field that
might be 50 or 150 yards away from the camera out of the PIR sensor's
range. The result is an effective range much greater than it would normally be,
with the camera dependant on triggers generated by nearby animals. This is
a great tool for hunters to scout an entire field with only one camera.
If an animal does enter the area covered by the IR sensor and generate
a trigger event during a time in between the Time Lapse intervals you set,
the camera will capture an image or video just as it normally would, based
on your other menu settings. Here's how to setup and use Time Lapse (be
sure you've set the current time with "Set Clock" first, so your Time Lapse
recording will stop and start at the correct times of day):
1. Move the main switch to SETUP, then press MENU.
2. Keep pressing the RIGHT key, stepping through the Setup Menu until
you reach Time Lapse.
3. With "On" selected (press UP/DOWN to toggle between On/Off),
press OK. This takes you to the screen to set Start and Stop time,
which determines the clock times when the Time Lapse recording will
begin and end for each day. You can set these times to the exact hour
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