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Uncle Milton Explore it! STAR THEATER Manuel D'instructions


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Batteries not included
Requires 3
Home Planetarium
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Download an exciting audio tour
of the night sky at UncleMilton.com!
Discover the Universe!
Welcome to the amazing world of astronomy! Astronomers spend their time discovering the
x 1.5V AAA/LR03
nature of space and everything in it. As big as our planet Earth is, it is just one of eight planets
orbiting the sun, which is just one of billions of stars in our home galaxy, the Milky Way, which is
just one of billions of galaxies in the universe. So you can see that it will be a long, long time, if
ever, until astronomers run out of things to discover!
Your Own Planetarium
Your planetarium allows you to...
• Project stars, outlines of the constellations, and their names on the walls and ceiling all
around you
• Project the night sky of any season or month of the year with its one-piece
fully-integrated Star Sphere — no separate overlays to break or lose
• Accurately project the night sky by season, date and hour
• Project the night sky in its correct directional orientation
• Treat yourself and your friends to an exciting sight and sound tour of the night sky.
What Is a Constellation?
If you look at the stars in the night sky long enough, you will notice how groups of stars form
familiar objects, something like connect-the-dots pictures. Many centuries ago, people who
gazed at the stars noticed pictures out there— and gave names to them. This helped them
create a "map" of the night sky, making it easier to locate the stars.
But these figures are not really sitting out there in space. They are only imaginary patterns
created by the relative positions of the stars as we see them from Earth. Some stars that appear
to be right next to each other are in fact very far apart. They just look close together from where
we are looking at them. If you could somehow see the night sky from another part of the galaxy,
the relative positions of the stars would be completely di erent and you would be able to
discover totally new constellations.
The Star Sphere
The Star Sphere
is a replica
in miniature of the largest
and brightest objects in
space surrounding our planet. If you were to imagine Earth inside the sphere, it would be
located at the exact center, where the light bulb is. The dots printed on the sphere represent
stars. The lines connecting the stars show the constellations.
Planetarium Operation
Web Code:
The Star Sphere is powered by three 3 AAA/LR03 batteries.
Tool required - Small Phillips-head screwdriver
Installing Batteries for the Light Wand
1. Remove light wand from
2. With a small Phillips-head
screwdriver, remove the
screw on the battery cap.
Unscrew battery cap
located at the end of wand.
Gently shake the wand so
that the battery module
slides out.
CAUTION: Do not look directly into the light source. Doing so can cause serious and
irreparable eye damage.
Operating Your Planetarium
1. Place planetarium on a table in the center of the room. A room with smooth, light-colored
walls and ceiling works best. A room that is roughly square and no larger than 12 x 12 feet
provides the best projection quality. Star Theater works best when it is located two to six feet
from the projection surface.
2. Date selector is located on the light wand. To set your planetarium for the beginning of the
audio tour, rotate light wand until "AUTUMN" lines up with pointer on the base. (The month
and date settings and the time ring will be used after the audio tour to set your planetarium
for a specific date and time of day.)
3. In a darkened room, turn on projection lamp. (Do not look directly at the Star Sphere while its
light is on, or you will lose your darkness adaptation.)
3. Insert three 3 AAA/LR03
4. Insert battery module
batteries into battery
into light wand, making
module, making sure the
sure the grooves align.
"+" and "-" ends are in
Replace battery cap and
correct placement as
Phillips-head screw (do
indicated on module.
not over-tighten). Place
Alkaline batteries are
the light wand back into



Sommaire des Matières pour Uncle Milton Explore it! STAR THEATER

  • Page 1 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Planetarium Operation Download an exciting audio tour Web Code: 2002 of the night sky at UncleMilton.com! STAT1143 The Star Sphere is powered by three 3 AAA/LR03 batteries. Tool required - Small Phillips-head screwdriver Discover the Universe! Installing Batteries for the Light Wand Welcome to the amazing world of astronomy! Astronomers spend their time discovering the...
  • Page 2 North & South Castor Gemini North & South 5. Reinsert light wand into Star Sphere. Rotate light wand clockwise until it clicks into place. MANUFACTURED BY UNCLE MILTON INDUSTRIES, INC. Shaula Scorpius South This is important for accurate date and time adjustments.
  • Page 3 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Fonctionnement du Planétarium Web Code: Télécharge une visite virtuelle audio du 2002 ciel nocturne sur le site UncleMilton.com STAT1143 La sphère étoilée fonctionne à l'aide de 3 piles AAA/LR03 de 1,5V. Outil requis - un petit tournevis à pointe étoilée Pars à...
  • Page 4 Castor Gemini Nord & Sud Manufactured by / Fabriqué par Uncle Milton Industries, Inc. 6. Replacer la sphère étoilée et le tube lumineux sur la base. Shaula Scorpius ©2011 UMI Tous droits réservés.
  • Page 5 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Bedienung des Planetariums Internetcode: Lade eine spannende Audiotour des 2002 Nachthimmels von UncleMilton.com herunter! STAT1143 Das Planetarium wird mit 3 Mikrozellen AAA (LR03) betrieben. Erforderliches Werkzeug: ein kleiner Kreuzschlitzschraubenzieher. Entdecke das Universum! Einlegen der Batterien im Lichtstab Willkommen in der erstaunlichen Welt der Astronomie! Astronomen verbringen ihre Zeit damit, die AAA/LR03 x 3 Batterien nicht enthalten.
  • Page 6 Position einrastet. Dies ist für die genaue Datums- und Zeiteinstellung wichtig. Adhara Canis Major North & South 6. Sternenkugel und Lichtstab wieder auf die Basis setzen. Castor Gemini North & South HERGESTELLT VON UNCLE MILTON INDUSTRIES, INC. Shaula Scorpius South P.O. Box 6281 THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91359 USA Bellatrix Orion North &...
  • Page 7 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Planetarium handleiding; Web Code: Download een spannende audio tour van de 2002 nachtelijke hemel at UncleMilton.com! STAT1143 De star bol werkt op 3 AAA ofwel 3 LR03 batterijen (benodigd een kleine ster schroevendraaier Batterij instructies voor de lichtbron Ontdek het Universum! Welkom in de fantastische wereld van astronomie! Astronomen brengen hun tijd door met het...
  • Page 8 6. Plaats de bol en de lichtbron weer in de basis. Vervaardigd door Shaula Scorpius Zuidelijk UNCLE MILTON INDUSRIES, INC. Postbus 6281 Bellatrix Orion Noordelijk & Zuidelijk THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91359 USA 2011 UMI, alle rechten voorbehouden. Merken en beeldmerken van Uncle Milton Industries, Inc. 2002-0250-0611 MADE IN CHINA...