Sommaire des Matières pour Alphason Gradino GRDB800/2-PB
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Model: GRDB800/2-PB Gradino designed by Hannah Cork Gradino was designed with simplicity in mind. Inspiration taken from modern architecture gives the product it’s clean ellip- tical lines. Gradino has a floating style that gives your AV equip- ment balance within the home. How to build on YouTube designed in...
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Model: GRDB800/2-PB How to build on YouTube Top shelf Base glass shelf Base panel Swivel assembly Back panel Bracket plate Left mounting bracket Right mounting bracket...
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Model: GRDB800/2-PB How to build on YouTube Glide screw x5 Furniture glide x5 Sleeve nut x2 Threaded rod x2 Plastic gasket x3 Large washer x2 M8 Nut x6 Small washer x8 M8 Bolt x4 Allen key M5 Screw x2 Box spanner Cable tidy clip Screen fixing kit...
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Regale beträgt 25 kg. Die Maximallast der Halterung beträgt 40 kg. Alphason Designs Ltd. påtar sig inget ansvar för skada till följd av felaktig eller olämplig användning av detta produkt. Alphason Designs Ltd. declina qualsiasi responsabilità per danni derivanti da utilizzo improprio o non corretto del presente pro- Alphason Designs Ltd.
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15кг. Максимальная нагрузка на другие полки: 25кг. Максимальная Firma Alphason Designs Ltd. nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za нагрузка на кронштейн: 40кг Η εταιρεία Alphason Designs Ltd. ουδεμία ευθύνη φέρει για τυχόν szkody wyrządzone wskutek niewłaściwego lub nieprawidłowego ζημιά που προκληθεί λόγω εσφαλμένης ή μη ενδεδειγμένης χρήσης...
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Model: GRDB800/2-PB How to build on YouTube International helpline (English speaking): Interested in Alphason products? Visit our website at: Alphason Designs Ltd, Alphason House, +44 1942 524 100 Swan Lane, Hindley Green, Wigan, WN2 4EY, UK.
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Model: GRDB800/2-PB How to build on YouTube International helpline (English speaking): Interested in Alphason products? Visit our website at: Alphason Designs Ltd, Alphason House, +44 1942 524 100 Swan Lane, Hindley Green, Wigan, WN2 4EY, UK.
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Model: GRDB800/2-PB How to build on YouTube International helpline (English speaking): Interested in Alphason products? Visit our website at: Alphason Designs Ltd, Alphason House, +44 1942 524 100 Swan Lane, Hindley Green, Wigan, WN2 4EY, UK.