Wittur Servogearless WSG-S2.3 Instructions De Service

Wittur Servogearless WSG-S2.3 Instructions De Service

Moteur d'ascenseur sans engrenage
Table des Matières


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Moteur d'ascenseur sans engrenage
Instructions de service
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tion écrite de WITTUR Holding GmbH.
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Moteur d'ascenseur sans engrenage
Traduction des instructions de service originales
WITTUR Holding GmbH
Rohrbachstraße 26-30 • D-85259 Wiedenzhausen, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 81 34/18-0 • Fax +49 (0) 81 34/18-49
http://www.wittur.com, E-mail: info@wittur.com
Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier les indicati-
ons et les illustrations figurant dans ces instructions
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Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Wittur Servogearless WSG-S2.3

  • Page 1 Nous nous réservons le droit de modifier les indicati- toute forme, même partiellement – nécessitent l’autorisa- ons et les illustrations figurant dans ces instructions tion écrite de WITTUR Holding GmbH. de service. Sous réserve de modifications ! Sous réserve de modifications !
  • Page 2: Ces Instructions De Service S'appliquent Aux Moteurs D'ascenseur De Type

    Ces instructions de service s’appliquent aux moteurs d’ascenseur de type: WSG - S2.3 - ..La WITTUR Electric Drives GmbH se réserve le droit de corri- ger ou modifier le contenu et les données de produit sans information préalable. Nous nous réservons explicitement le droit de procéder à...
  • Page 3: Table Des Matières

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page Sommaire 1. Informations générales ........................4 1.1. A propos de ces instructions de service ..........4 1.2.
  • Page 4: Informations Générales

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 1. Informations générales 1.1. A propos de ces instructions de service Ces instructions de service servent à travailler sur les moteurs d’ascenseur WSG-S2 en toute sécurité. Il faut les considérer comme partie intégrante du produit et les conserver de façon bien accessible.
  • Page 5: Structure Des Consignes De Sécurité

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page Personnel qualifié Seul un personnel formé peut exécuter les travaux d’étude de projet, d’installation et de maintenance en veillant aux prescriptions correspondantes. Le personnel doit procéder la qualification pour l’activité correspondante et être familiarisé...
  • Page 6: Vue D'ensemble Sur Le Produit

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 3. Vue d’ensemble sur le produit 3.1. Description du produit Les moteurs d’ascenseur sans engrenage compacts WSG-S2 sont conçus pour des ascenseurs à poulie motrice. Ils se distinguent par une efficacité...
  • Page 7: Transport Et Entreposage

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 3.2. Transport et entreposage • Tous les moteurs d’ascenseur ont quitté l’usine dans un parfait état après contrôle. • A la livraison, vérifier la machine afin de détecter tout dommage extérieur éventuel. En cas de vices dus au transport, faire établir une déclaration de dommage en présence de l’expéditeur.
  • Page 8: Installation

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 4. Installation 4.1. Mise en place D’une façon générale, veiller à vérifier par des calculs, les cadres ou les fondations sur DANGER lesquels les moteurs d’ascenseur doivent être posés. •...
  • Page 9: Conditions Environnantes

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page Conditions environnantes • Respecter les conditions environnantes suivantes sur le lieu d’installation: Altitude d’installation: max. 1.000 m au-dessus du niveau de la mer Température environnante: -5°... 40°C max. Humidité...
  • Page 10: Raccordement Du Moteur / Protection De L'enroulement

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 4.2.2. Raccordement du moteur / protection de l’enroulement • Le raccordement électrique du moteur, du frein et du contrôleur d’enroulement s’effectue dans le boîtier de raccordement électrique sur la machine.
  • Page 11 Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page Section de câble nécessaire: Les courants indiqués dans les données de machine se réfèrent au mode de service S3-40%. Il faut en tenir compte impérativement lors du choix de la section de câble nécessaire. La valeur effective de durée du courant nécessaire pour le choix du câble se calcule courant maximum courant nominal du...
  • Page 12: Système De Vitesse De Rotation / De Mesure De Position

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 4.2.3. Système de vitesse de rotation / de mesure de position • L’exécution de base des moteurs d’ascenseur est équipée d’un codeur SIN/COS Sendix 8.5873 de la société Kübler.
  • Page 13: Frein

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 4.2.4. Frein • Veiller aux instructions de service du frein. • Les freins partiels sont alimentés en tension continue par des redresseurs de surexcitation qui sont livrés sé- parément et/ou dans le boîtier de raccordement du moteur.
  • Page 14 Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page Contrôle des freins • Le contrôle de l’état de commutation des freins s’effectue à l’aide de micro-contacts à contacts dorés proté- gés contre la poussière. Il est disponible tant pour le raccordement « ouverture » que pour le raccordement «...
  • Page 15 Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page Proposition de commutation pour l’activation de frein WSG-S2.3 Sous réserve de modifications ! Sous réserve de modifications !
  • Page 16: Mise En Service

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 5. Mise en service Contrôler et exécuter les points suivants: • Les données sur les plaquettes de puissance/d’application sur le moteur correspondent-elles au cas d’application ? •...
  • Page 17: Exploitation Et Maintenance

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 6. Exploitation et maintenance 6.1. Généralités • Respecter impérativement les prescriptions d’exploitation, de maintenance et d'inspection conformément aux règles de sécurité en vigueur du constructeur d’ascenseurs, ainsi que les normes DIN EN 81-20, DIN EN 81-50, LD 2014/33/UE et les autres prescriptions pertinentes et fondamentales.
  • Page 18: Relubrification Des Paliers

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 6.3. Relubrification des paliers A l’usine, les paliers à roulement sont pourvus d’une quantité de graisse suffisante pour la durée de vie prévue du moteur. Dans des conditions d’utilisation normales, une relubrification n’est pas nécessaire, elle n’est pas conseillée non plus.
  • Page 19: Évacuation D'urgence

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 6.5. Évacuation d’urgence Les mesures d’évacuation d’urgence ne peuvent être effectuées que par un personnel qualifié Danger en maintenance d’ascenseur. Evacuation manuelle en cas d'urgence •...
  • Page 20: Contrôle Du Frein Selon La Norme En 81

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 6.6. Contrôle du frein selon la norme EN 81 Une vérification du frein est nécessaire lorsque la cabine se trouve à peu près à mi-course de la cage. Désacti- ver les commutations de court-circuitage de moteur éventuelles pour vérifier l’action du frein seul.
  • Page 21: Remplacement Du Système De Mesure

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 6.7. Remplacement du système de mesure Le système de mesure n’est accessible que par l’arrière du moteur. Consulter les instructions de montage du système de mesure Kübler. Ne démonter le système de mesure que si un défaut l’exige.
  • Page 22: Recherche De Défaillances

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 6.8. Recherche de défaillances Cause Remède Défaut Le moteur ne démarre pas ou fonc- • Les phases de moteur ne sont pas • Raccorder correctement les phases de raccordées correctement moteur tionne de façon incontrôlée ou ne dé-...
  • Page 23: Code De Type

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 7. Code de type Exemple: 3 2 A X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 Identification spéci- fique client S = Moteur synchrone G = sans engrenage U = sans engrenage, homologation UL/CSA Dimension...
  • Page 24: Spécifications Techniques

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 8. Spécifications techniques Mode de service: S3 - 40 % facteur de service Couronne motrice: Ø 320mm ou Ø 400mm Frein de sécurité deux circuits mind.
  • Page 25: Schéma Coté

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 9. Schéma coté 6 trous de fixation Ø 28 et 4 trous taraudés M 24 WSG- S2.3 Æ D Moteur 100,5 [kg] Poids 1,05 [kgm Couple d'inertie [kN] Force d’axe jusqu'à...
  • Page 26: Accessoires

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 10. Accessoires 10.1. Câble de raccordement pour les systèmes de mesure Convertisseur type Système de mesure Câble de système de recommandé mesure recommandé E-Pack ECN 413 (EnDat / 503 325 021 xx SSI) Arkel ARCODE...
  • Page 27: Jeu De Câbles De Raccordement Pour Moteur Et Frein

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 10.2. Jeu de câbles de raccordement pour moteur et frein Câble de moteur Câble de frein (magnétique) Câble de frein (contrôle) WSG-Sx xx... Longueur de câble en m 05 - 5 m;...
  • Page 28: Déblocage Manuel Du Frein

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 10.3. Déblocage manuel du frein Sur demande, le frein est équipé d’un dispositif de Déblocage déblocage manuel. Si nécessaire, il peut être monté ultérieurement. Le bloc de levier manuel nécessaire au déblocage du frein, y compris le câble Bowden, peut être livré...
  • Page 29: Sécurités De Câble Et Recouvrements De Câble

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 10.4. Sécurités de câble et recouvrements de câble Dans la version de base, les sécurités de câble pos. 7 à l’illustration « Section de machine » (voir page 6) sont vissées.
  • Page 30: Pièces De Rechange

    Moteur d’ascenseur sans engrenage Code GM.8.003288.FR Date 27.09.2016 WSG-S2.3 Statut 0.12 Instructions de service Page 11. Pièces de rechange Position Pièce Désignation Moteur Poulie motrice selon la plaquette de type de machine Code de type X5X6X7 Système de mesure (selon la spécification) ECN 413 / SSI / 2048 incr.
  • Page 36 Annex to the EC Type-Examination Certificate No. EU-BD 859 of 2016-03-18 Scope of application Use as braking device – part of the the protection device against overspeed for the car mov- ing in upwards direction – permissible brake torques and tripping rotary speeds 1.1.1 Permissible brake torque when the braking device acts on the shaft of the traction sheave while the car is moving upward...
  • Page 37 Annex to the EC Type-Examination Certificate No. EU-BD 859 of 2016-03-18 Conditions Above mentioned safety component represents only a part at the protection device against over- speed for the car moving in upwards direction and unintended car movement. Only in combination with a detecting and triggering component in accordance with the standard (two separate compo- nents also possible), which must be subjected to an own type-examination, can the system created fulfil the requirements for a protection device.
  • Page 38 Enclosure to the EU Type-Examination Certificate No. EU-BD 859 of 2016-03-18 Authorised Manufacturer of Serial Production – Production Sites (valid from: 2016-03-18): Company INTORQ GmbH & Co. KG Address Wülmser Weg 5 31855 Aerzen – Germany Company INTORQ (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Address No.
  • Page 41 setting the standard INTORQ BFK464 Electromagnetically Released Spring-Applied Brake Translation of the Original Operating Instructions www.intorq.com www.intorq.com...
  • Page 42 This documentation applies to the: BFK464-17S BFK464-18S BFK464-18S.2 BFK464-19S BFK464-20S BFK464-20S.1 BFK464-22S BFK464-25S BFK464-25S.1 BFK464-28S Product key INTORQ Legend for the product key INTORQ BFK464 Product group Brakes Product type Spring-applied brake Type Size 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 28 Design Not coded: Supply voltage, hub bore, options INTORQ | BA 14.0197 | 04/2016...
  • Page 43 Identification Packaging label Example Manufacturer Type number Type (see product key) Bar code Designation Qty. per box Rated/holding voltage Rated torque Rated/holding power Hub diameter Packaging date Model identification CE mark Note Name plate Example Manufacturer CE mark Type (see product key) EC-type examination identification Rated/holding voltage Rated/holding power...
  • Page 44: Document History

    Document history Material number Version Description 33002149 09/2010 TD09 First edition 33002149 11/2010 TD09 Enlarged to include 19S and 28S sizes Supplement of the tables in the Characteristics chapter Supplement of the important instructions in the Commissioning and operation chapter 33002149 08/2012 TD09 Supplement of the model identification number for the sizes 18S, 19S...
  • Page 45 Contents Preface and general information .......................... 6 About these Operating Instructions ......................6 Terminology used ............................6 Conventions in use ............................6 Abbreviations used ............................7 Safety instructions and notices ........................8 Scope of delivery ............................9 Disposal ................................ 9 Drive systems .............................
  • Page 46: Preface And General Information

    Preface and general information Preface and general information About these Operating Instructions ❚ These Operating Instructions will help you to work safely with the spring-applied brake with electromag- netic release. They contain safety instructions that must be followed. ❚ All persons working on or with the electromagnetically released spring-applied brakes must have the Op- erating Instructions available and observe the information and notes relevant for them.
  • Page 47: Abbreviations Used

    Preface and general information Abbreviations used Letter symbol Unit Designation Rated frictional force Current Holding current, at 20 °C and holding voltage Release current, at 20 °C and release voltage Rated current, at 20 °C and rated voltage Tightening torque of fixing screws Braking torque at a constant speed of rotation Rated torque of the brake, rated value at a relative speed of rotation of 100 rpm Maximum occurring speed of rotation during the slipping time t...
  • Page 48: Safety Instructions And Notices

    Preface and general information Letter symbol Unit Designation Delay during engagement (time from switching off the supply voltage to the beginning of the torque rise) Rise time of the braking torque, time from the start of torque rise until reach- ing the braking torque Over-excitation time Voltage...
  • Page 49: Scope Of Delivery

    Preface and general information Danger level DANGER DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. WARNING WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. CAUTION CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or mod- erate injury.
  • Page 50: Drive Systems

    Preface and general information Drive systems Labelling Drive systems and components are unambiguously designated by the indications on the name plate. Manufacturer: INTORQ GmbH & Co. KG, Wülmser Weg 5, D-31855 Aerzen, Germany ❚ The spring-applied INTORQ brake is also delivered in single modules which can then be put together by the customer according to their requirements.
  • Page 51: Safety Instructions

    Safety instructions Safety instructions General safety instructions ❚ INTORQ components: ... must only be used as directed..must not be commissioned if they are noticeably damaged..must not be technically modified..must not be commissioned if they are incompletely mounted or connected..
  • Page 52: Application As Directed

    Safety instructions Application as directed ❚ INTORQ components: ... are intended for use in machinery and systems..must only be used for their intended and confirmed purposes..must only be operated under the ambient conditions prescribed in these Operating Instructions..
  • Page 53: Technical Specifications

    Technical specifications Technical specifications Product description Versions Abb. 1 Design of the BFK464- S / S.1 / S.2 spring-applied brake 1.1 Stator Shaft 10 Socket head cap screw, DIN EN ISO 4762 1.2 Pressure springs Flange (optional) 13 Cover plate (optional) Armature plate Coil 16 Microswitch...
  • Page 54 Technical specifications The division of the brake circuits is done using a two-part armature disk (2) with the respectively allocated compression springs (1.2) and electromagnetic coils (8). Each brake circuit can be operated individually due to the separate supply lines for each coil group and armature disk segment ( 32).
  • Page 55 Technical specifications 3.1.5 Manual release (optional) To temporarily release the brake when there is no electricity available, a manual release function is available as an option (instead of the transport safety bolts otherwise used). The manual release system works on both brake circuits together.
  • Page 56: Rated Data

    Technical specifications Rated data 3.2.1 Dimensions 1.1 Stator, complete Armature plate Flange Type Stator weight Air gap Perm. wear Rotor thickness complete +0.05 [mm] [mm] [mm] min. [mm] max. [mm] m [kg] Lmax BFK464-17S BFK464-18S 12.7 BFK464-18S.2 14.5 BFK464-19S 18.8 BFK464-20S 15.7 BFK464-20S.1...
  • Page 57 Technical specifications Pitch Type Fixing screws Minimum thread depth Tightening torque circle DIN 912 +1.0 mm without with without with without with  Flange Flange Flange Flange flange flange [mm] Thread [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [Nm] [Nm] BFK464-17S 6 x M8x85 6 x M8x95 24.6 BFK464-18S...
  • Page 58: Rating (Design Data)

    Technical specifications Rating (design data) Abb. 2 Operating times of the spring-applied brakes Engagement time Reaction delay of engagement Disengagement time (up to M = 0.1 M Rise time of the braking torque Braking torque at a constant speed of rotation Voltage Type Rated...
  • Page 59: Switching Energy / Operating Frequency

    Technical specifications Disengagement time The disengagement time is not influenced by DC or AC switching operations. Engagement time The transition from brake-torque free state to holding braking torque is not free of time lags. For emergency braking, short engagement times for the brake are absolutely essential. The DC switching in connection with a suitable spark suppressor is therefore to be provided.
  • Page 60: Emissions

    Technical specifications Emissions Electromagnetic compatibility NOTICE The user must ensure compliance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU using appropriate controls and switching devices. If an INTORQ rectifier is used for the DC switching of the spring-applied brake and if the operating frequency exceeds five switching operations per minute, the use of a mains filter is required.
  • Page 61: Mechanical Installation

    Mechanical installation Mechanical installation Important notes NOTICE The toothed hub and screws must not be lubricated with grease or oil. Necessary tools Type Torque wrench Open-jawed spanner Allen key for transport Insert for hexagonal socket (Allen) safety bolts screws Sleeve bolts Manual release - nuts Width across...
  • Page 62: Assembly

    Mechanical installation Assembly 4.3.1 Important notes Brake size Minimum requirements: Use as counter friction surface Evennes Axial Roughness Others Material run-out [mm] [mm] ❚ Threaded holes with mini- 17 – 28 S235 JR < 0.1 Rz10 mum thread depth ❚ Free of grease and oil EN-GJL-250 Rz16 Tab.
  • Page 63: Installation Procedure

    Mechanical installation Installation procedure NOTICE The toothed hub and screws must not be lubricated with grease or oil. NOTICE When you have ordered a version with flange, attach the hub first ( 23), then continue with the "Assembly of the counter friction faces". 4.4.1 Install the hub onto the shaft NOTICE...
  • Page 64 Mechanical installation 4.4.2 Brake assembly Assembly without counter friction face Abb. 5 Assembly without counter friction face 15 End shield Install the counter friction faces Abb. 6 Assembly of the flange Flange 15 End shield 1. Hold the flange (6) to the end shield (15). 2.
  • Page 65 Mechanical installation Assembly of the rotor Abb. 7 Mounting the hub onto the shaft Complete rotor Flange 15 End shield 1. Push the complete rotor (3) onto the hub (4) and check whether it can be moved by hand. Do not use any lubricant! (Exception: rotor with toothing that has been sprayed by the manufacturer.) In the following sections, only assembly for the versions with flange will be described.
  • Page 66 Mechanical installation 4.4.3 Check the air gap Abb. 9 Checking "s " Air gap, s 1.1 Stator Flange 10 Cylinder head bolt Armature plate Sleeve bolt 15 End shield 1. Check the air gap "s " near the bolts (10) using a feeler gauge and compare the values to the values for "s "...
  • Page 67 Mechanical installation 4.4.4 Adjusting the air gap WARNING Danger: rotating parts! Switch off the voltage. The drive system must be free of loads. Abb. 10 1. Loosen the bolts (10). NOTICE First correctly adjust the air gap with every 2nd bolt (10) / sleeve bolt (9)! The other three sleeve bolts should be screwed into the stator so that they do not touch the flange or the bearing shield.
  • Page 68 Mechanical installation DANGER Brake may fail If the manual release is not adjusted correctly the brake may fail. Possible consequences: ❚ Severe injuries or material damage. Protective measure: ❚ Ensure that the dimension "s" is observed. 4.4.5 Cover ring assembly NOTICE Brakes without flange require a groove in the bearing shield for the lip of the cover ring.
  • Page 69 Mechanical installation 4.4.6 Manual release assembly (optional) NOTICE The assembly of the manual release is done to the spring-applied brake which is already fitted to the bearing shield 24. The air gap of the brake is set to the rated air gap, Abb.
  • Page 70 Mechanical installation 4. Screw self-locking nuts (12.8) onto the stud bolts and tighten them until the dimension "s" has been set. NOTICE Before setting the dimension "s", it is imperative that the air gap "s " is checked, and adjusted to "s "...
  • Page 71: Electrical Installation

    Electrical installation Electrical installation Electrical connection 5.1.1 Important notes DANGER There is a risk of injury by electrical shock! ❚ The electrical connections must only be made by skilled personnel! ❚ Only carry out connection work when no voltage is applied (no live parts)! There is a risk of unintended start-ups or electric shock.
  • Page 72: Switching Off

    Electrical installation 5.1.2 Switching suggestions 230 V AC or 400 V AC Brake circuit 1 Brake circuit 2 observe the observe the polarity polarity Suppressor Suppressor circuit circuit Brake Brake Abb. 14 INTORQ BFK464 connection diagram Switching on ❚ K2/K4 must be switched on before or at the same time as K1/K3! Switching off ❚...
  • Page 73 Electrical installation 5.2.1 Assignment: Bridge/half-wave rectifier – brake size Rectifier type Supply voltage Coil voltage Assigned brake Release / holding [V AC] [V DC] BFK464-17S BFK464-18S BFK464-18S.2 BFK464-19S BFK464-20S BEG-561-255-130 ±10% 205 / 103 BFK464-20S.1 BFK464-22S BFK464-25S BFK464-25S.1 BFK464-28S BFK464-17S BFK464-18S BFK464-18S.2 BFK464-19S...
  • Page 74 Electrical installation Dimensions Fastening options Abb. 15 Dimensions and possible installations of bridge/half-wave rectifier 5.2.2 Technical specifications Rectifier type Bridge / half-wave rectifier Output voltage for bridge rectification 0.9 x U Output voltage for half-wave rectification 0.45 x U Ambient temperature (storage/operation) [°C] -25 –...
  • Page 75: Electrical Connection

    Electrical installation 5.2.3 Permissible current load at ambient temperature 1 For screw assembly with metal surface (good heat dissipation) 2 For other assembly (e.g. adhesive) Electrical connection DANGER There is a risk of injury by electrical shock! The brake must only be electrically connected when no voltage is applied! NOTICE Compare the coil voltage of the stator to the DC voltage of the installed rectifier.
  • Page 76: Commissioning And Operation

    Commissioning and operation Commissioning and operation Important notes DANGER ❚ The live connections and the rotating rotor must not be touched. ❚ The drive must not be running when checking the brake. ❚ The brakes are dimensioned in such a way that the given rated torques are reached safely after a short run-in process.
  • Page 77 Commissioning and operation 1. The switching contact for the brake must be open. 2. Remove two bridges from the motor terminals to de-energise the motor. Do not disconnect the supply voltage for the brake. Apply DC voltage to the brake. NOTICE If the brake is connected to the neutral point of the motor, the PE conductor must also be con- nected to this point.
  • Page 78: Commissioning

    Commissioning and operation 6.2.2 Test that the manual release functions NOTICE ❚ The manual release is designed for activation via a Bowden cable. ❚ Releasing an individual brake circuit is only possible electrically. DANGER Danger: rotating parts! The drive system must be free of loads. The motor must not run! Abb.
  • Page 79: During Operation

    Commissioning and operation During operation DANGER Danger: rotating parts! The running rotor must not be touched. DANGER There is a risk of injury by electrical shock! Live connections must not be touched. ❚ Checks must be carried out regularly. Pay special attention to: unusual noises or temperatures loose fixing elements the condition of the electrical cables...
  • Page 80: Maintenance And Repair

    Maintenance and repair Maintenance and repair Wear of spring-applied brakes INTORQ spring-applied brakes are wear-resistant and designed for long maintenance intervals. The friction lining and braking mechanism are subject to operational wear. For safe and trouble-free operation, the brake must be checked at regular intervals or replaced, if necessary NOTICE Braking torque reduction The air gap must not be re-adjusted after it has been correctly adjusted during the initial...
  • Page 81: Inspections

    Maintenance and repair Inspections To ensure safe and trouble-free operations, the spring-applied brakes must be checked at regular intervals and, if necessary, replaced. Servicing will be easier at the plant if the brakes are made accessible. This must be considered when installing the drives in the plant. Primarily, the required maintenance intervals for industrial brakes result from their load during operation.
  • Page 82: Maintenance

    Maintenance and repair Maintenance NOTICE Brakes with defective armature plates, socket head cap screws, springs or counter friction faces must always be replaced completely. Generally observe the following for inspections and maintenance works: ❚ Contamination by oils and greases should be removed using brake cleaner, or the brake should be replaced after determining the cause.
  • Page 83 Maintenance and repair 7.3.3 Release / voltage 1. Start motor and control system! DANGER Danger: rotating parts! The running rotor must not be touched. DANGER There is a risk of injury by electrical shock! Live connections must not be touched. 2.
  • Page 84: Spare-Parts List

    Maintenance and repair Spare-parts list ❚ Only parts with item numbers are available. The item numbers are only valid for the standard design. ❚ Please include the following information with the order: Order number of the brake Position number of the spare part Abb.
  • Page 85: Ordering Spare Parts

    Maintenance and repair Ordering spare parts INTORQ BFK464- S / S.1 / S.2, stator, complete Size Design 103 V / 51.5 V Voltage 103 V / 72 V 205 V / 103 V 360 V / 180 V ________ Nm Braking torque Standard (600 mm) Cable length...
  • Page 86: Troubleshooting And Fault Elimination

    Troubleshooting and fault elimination Troubleshooting and fault elimination If any malfunctions should occur when operating the braking system, please check for possible causes based on the following table. If the fault cannot be fixed or eliminated by one of the listed measures, please contact customer service.
  • Page 87 Troubleshooting and fault elimination Fault Cause Remedy Brake does not release Microswitch incorrectly wired Check the wiring of the microswitch and correct it. Microswitch incorrectly set Replace the complete stator and make a complaint about the setting of the microswitch to the manufacturer. Air gap too big Adjust the air gap ( Measure the rotor thickness and compare against the min-...
  • Page 88 Notes Notes INTORQ | BA 14.0197 | 04/2016...
  • Page 89  INTORQ GmbH & Co KG Germany PO Box 1103 D-31849 Aerzen Wülmser Weg 5 D-31855 Aerzen  +49 5154 70534-444  +49 5154 70534-200  info@intorq.com  INTORQ (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. No. 600, Xin Yuan Nan Road, Building No. 6 / Zone B Nicheng town, Pudong 201306 Shanghai ...

Table des Matières