6. Date/Time
Set the date and time manually.
7. Date Stamp
Turn on the date stamp; recorded videos will show the time stamp.
Options: On and Off
Default Setting: On
8. Language Settings
Options: English/繁體中文/简体中文/日本語/Français/Deutsch/Polskie/ไทย/
Tiếng Việt/русский/Español/Italiana
Default Setting: English
9. Gravity Sensor
When the mode is turned on, it will automatically start recording and save content
if an impact or sudden braking is detected. The videos will be locked and will never
be overwritten by new files. The higher the sensitivity level, the easier it is to trigger
the emergency recording.
Options: Off/Low/Medium/High
Default Setting: Medium
10. Parking Monitoring
If an impact or sudden brake is detected during parking, the dash cam will
automatically start recording a 22-second video and save the content. The video
will be locked in the front or rear emergency video folder and will not be
overwritten by new video files.
Options: On and Off
Default Setting: Off
11. UTC
Choose the time zone manually. The device will then display the time in the
selected time zone.
Default Setting: UTC-5
After changing the time zone, restart your dash cam and make sure the time and
date are now correct.