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C o o k i n g
C o o k i n g
c o l l e c t i o n
c o l l e c t i o n
Instructions for Use
Warranty Details
ATLANTIS90 - 900mm Wall Mounted Canopy Rangehood
OPTICA90 - 900mm Wall Mounted Canopy Rangehood


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Kleenmaid ATLANTIS90

  • Page 1 C o o k i n g c o l l e c t i o n c o l l e c t i o n Instructions for Use Warranty Details ATLANTIS90 - 900mm Wall Mounted Canopy Rangehood OPTICA90 - 900mm Wall Mounted Canopy Rangehood...
  • Page 2 ongratulations on the purchase of your new appliance. This appliance has been designed and manufactured to give you years of reliable performance. For best results, carefully read the instructions on how to install your new appliance. Correct installation will avoid delays and unnecessary service calls. Once installation is complete, read this booklet carefully and get to know the controls and the features of your new appliance.
  • Page 3 Fig. 1-B Abb. 1-B Afb. 1-B Ðèñ. 1-B Fig. 1-C Fig. 1-A Abb. 1-C Abb. 1-A Afb. 1-C Afb. 1-A Ðèñ. 1-C Ðèñ. 1-A Fig. 2 - Abb. 2 - Afb. 2 - Ðèñ. 2 Fig. 3 - Abb. 3 - Afb. 3 - Ðèñ. 3 Fig.
  • Page 4 180° c-OK! 7-16 Fig. 6 - Abb. 6 - Afb. 6 - Ðèñ. 6...
  • Page 5: Elektrischer Anschluss

    MONTAGE- UND GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG 8 . Die Distanz der Haube zur Wand regeln. Installierung - Abb. 6 9 . Die Haube horizontal ausrichten. Die Küchenhaube muss in einem Abstand von mindestens 10. Das Gestell, das den Kohlefilter trägt, abnehmen (siehe 50 cm über einem Elektroherd und von mindestens 75 cm auch Abb.3);...
  • Page 6 MONTAGE- UND GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG Wasser und geeigneten Waschmitteln oder in der Beschreibung der Spülmaschine bei 65°C gewaschen (in diesem Fall den Dunstabzugshaube - Abb. 1 ollständigen Spülzyklus – ohne zusätzliches Geschirr im 1 Bedienfeld Inneren der Geschirrspülmaschine - einschalten). Das überschüssige Wasser entfernen, ohne dabei den Filter 2 Fettfilter zu beschädigen;...
  • Page 7: Instruction On Mounting And Use

    INSTRUCTION ON MOUNTING AND USE Installation - Fig. 6 and drill them, remove the drilling template, insert 2 wall The cooker hood must be placed at a minimum distance of 50 cm from the cooking plane for electric cookers and 75cm for gas or plugs and fix the hood support bracket into place using two 5x45mm screws.
  • Page 8 INSTRUCTION ON MOUNTING AND USE Charcoal filter (filter version only) Description of the hood - Fig. 1 It absorbs unpleasant odours caused by cooking. 1 Control panel The charcoal filter can be washed once every two months 2 Grease filter using hot water and a suitable detergent, or in a dish-washer at 65°C (if the dish-washer is used, select the full cycle 3 Grease filter release handle...
  • Page 9: Branchement Électrique

    PRESCRIPTIONS DE MONTAGE ET MODE D’EMPLOI le faisant coïncider avec le rectangle hachuré, marquer Installation - Fig. 6 les deux trous externes puis percer les trous, retirer le Si vous possédez un plan de cuisson entièrement électrique, schéma de perçage, insérer 2 chevilles pour le mur et la hotte doit etre installée a une distance de 50 cm , de 75 fixer la bride de support de la hotte à...
  • Page 10: Entretien

    PRESCRIPTIONS DE MONTAGE ET MODE D’EMPLOI Filtre à charbon actif (uniquement pour version Description de la hotte – Fig. 1 recyclage) 1 Panneau de contrôle Retient les odeurs désagréables de cuisson. 2 Filtre anti-graisse Le filtre à charbon peut être nettoyé tous les deux mois avec 3 Poignée de décrochage du filtre anti-graisse de l’eau chaude et au moyen de détergents appropriés ou dans le lave-vaisselle à...
  • Page 11: Elektrische Aansluiting

    MONTAGEVOORSCHRIFTEN EN GEBRUIKSAANWIIZING 7 . Hang de wasemkap aan de beugel. Installatie - afb. 6 8 . Regel de afstand van de wasemkap tot de muur. In het geval van een elektrisch fornuis moet de afzuigkap 9 . Regel de horizontale positie van de wasemkap. minstens 50 cm van de kookplaat afgelegen zijn en 75 cm 10.
  • Page 12 MONTAGEVOORSCHRIFTEN EN GEBRUIKSAANWIIZING Koolstoffilter (alleen voor filterend apparaat) Beschrijving van Houdt de lastige kookgeuren vast. de wasemkap - afb. 1 De koolstoffilter kan om de twee maanden gewassen 1 Bedieningspaneel worden in warm water en met geschikte wasmiddelen of 2 Vetfilter in de vaatmachine op 65°C (in het geval van een reiniging in de vaatmachine voer een volledige wascyclus uit en 3 Handgreep voor ontgrendeling van het vetfilter...
  • Page 13: Istruzioni Di Montaggio E D'uso

    ISTRUZIONI DI MONTAGGIO E D’USO inserire 2 tasselli a muro e fissare con 2 viti 5x45mm Installazione - Fig. 6 la staffa di supporto della cappa. La cappa deve avere una distanza minima dal piano cottura di 50 cm 7 . Appendere la cappa alla staffa. in caso di cucine elettriche e di 75 cm in caso di cucine a gas o miste.
  • Page 14: Avvertenze

    ISTRUZIONI DI MONTAGGIO E D’USO Filtro al carbone (solo per versione filtrante) Descrizione della cappa - Fig. 1 Trattiene gli odori sgradevoli derivanti dalla cottura. 1 Pannello di controllo Il filtro al carbone può essere lavato ogni due mesi in acqua 2 Filtro antigrasso calda e detergenti idonei o in lavastoviglie a 65°C (in caso di lavaggio in lavastoviglie eseguire il ciclo di lavaggio...
  • Page 15: Montaje Y Modo De Empleo

    MONTAJE Y MODO DE EMPLEO taladrar. Quitar el esquema de taladrado, poner los 2 Instalación - Fig. 6 tacos de pared y fijar la brida de soporte de la campana La campana tiene que tener una distancia mínima de los fuegos de con 2 tornillos de 5x45 mm.
  • Page 16: Filtro Al Carbón Activo (Solamente Para La Versión Filtrante)

    MONTAJE Y MODO DE EMPLEO Filtro al carbón activo (solamente para la versión Descripción de la campana- Fig. 1 filtrante) 1 Cuadro de control Retiene los olores desagradables producidos por el cocinado 2 Filtro antigrasa de alimentos. 3 Manija de desenganche del filtro antigrasa El filtro al carbón puede lavarse cada dos meses con agua 4 Lámpara halógena (solamente modelo con lámparas caliente y detergentes adecuados o en lavavajillas a 65°C...
  • Page 17: Conexão Elétrica

    INSTRUÇÕES PARA MONTAGEM E UTILIZAÇÃO parafusos 5x45 mm. Instalação - Fig. 6 7 . Pendure o exaustor no suporte. A coifa deve ficar a uma distância mínima do plano de 8 . Regule a distância entre o exaustor e a parede. cozimento de 50 cm, no caso de cozinhas elétricas e de 75 9 .
  • Page 18: Filtro Antigordura

    INSTRUÇÕES PARA MONTAGEM E UTILIZAÇÃO Filtro de carvão activo (só para a versão filtrante) Descrição do exaustor – Fig. 1 Retém os odores desagradáveis produzidos durante a 1 Painel de controlo cozedura. 2 Filtro antigordura O filtro de carvão pode ser lavado de dois em dois meses em água quente e detergentes adequados ou em máquina 3 Puxador para libertar o filtro antigordura de lavar louça a 65 °C (para a lavagem em máquina, utilize...
  • Page 19 ÈÍÑÒÐÓÊÖÈÈ ÏÎ ÓÑÒÀÍÎÂÊÅ È ÏÎËÜÇÎÂÀÍÈÞ ðàçìåòüòå äâà âíåøíèõ îòâåðñòèÿ è ïðîäåëàéòå èõ, Óñòàíîâêà – Ðèñ. 6 ñíèìèòå øàáëîí, âñòàâüòå 2 äþáåëÿ â ñòåíó è çàêðåïèòå Âûòÿæêà äîëæíà íàõîäèòüñÿ íà ðàññòîÿíèè íå ìåíåå 50 ñì îïîðíûé êðîíøòåéí 2-ìÿ øóðóïàìè 5õ45 ìì. îò...
  • Page 20 ÈÍÑÒÐÓÊÖÈÈ ÏÎ ÓÑÒÀÍÎÂÊÅ È ÏÎËÜÇÎÂÀÍÈÞ Îïèñàíèå âûòÿæêè – Ðèñ. 1 Óõîä 1 Ïàíåëü óïðàâëåíèÿ Ïðåæäå ÷åì âûïîëíèòü ëþáóþ îïåðàöèþ ïî óõîäó îòñîåäèíèòå 2 Æèðîóëàâëèâàþùèé ôèëüòð âûòÿæêó îò ýëåêòðîñåòè. 3 Ðó÷êà îòöåïëåíèÿ æèðîóëàâëèâàþùåãî ôèëüòðà 4 Ãàëîãåííàÿ ëàìïà (òîëüêî â ìîäåëè ñ ãàëîãåííûìè ëàìïàìè) Î÷èñòêà...
  • Page 21 ÈÍÑÒÐÓÊÖÈÈ ÏÎ ÓÑÒÀÍÎÂÊÅ È ÏÎËÜÇÎÂÀÍÈÞ Òîëüêî æäÿ ìîäåëè ñ ïîäñâåòêîé íà îïòè÷åñêèõ âîëîêíàõ – Ðèñ. 5: Äåìîíòèðóéòå êàìèíû: ñíèìèòå äâà øóðóïà (20à) êðåïëåíèÿ âåðõíåãî êàìèíà ê êðîíøòåéíó “G” (Ðèñ. 6). Óáåðèòå êîðîáêó “q”, âûíüòå øóðóï “r” êðåïëåíèÿ åå ê âûòÿæêå. Ñíèìèòå...
  • Page 22: Warranty And Service

    Kleenmaid appliance, we guarantee that any fault caused by faulty material or workmanship becoming apparent, will be rectified free of charge for parts and labour, provided that all service is performed during normal working hours by Kleenmaid or their designated Agents.
  • Page 23 Other products available in the Kleenmaid Range of appliances Washers Dryers Dishwashers Ovens Cooktops Outdoor Cooking Centres Built In Espresso Coffee Machines Rangehoods Freestanding Ranges Sinks Waste Disposals Taps Cookware Refrigerators Freezers Wine Cellars Vacuum Cleaners For sales information on the full range of quality appliances...

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Table des Matières