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000601 000602 38 x 38 x 26 x 50 x 000601 000102 24 x 24 x 000433 000219 000376 000426 000204 000570 18 x 12 x 000374 000356 36 x Produced by De Eekhoorn Woodworkings BV Kluis kast.cdr 16.09.2014 V1.2...
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The use of a little bit wood glue (up to 2 drops per drill hole) is necessary for proper connection 000374 000607 000102 000102 12 x 36 x BL-1 TL-1 FL-R OL-1 FL-L Kluis kast.cdr 16.09.2014 V1.2...
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B. By releasing this screw the position of mounting plates of the hinges can be repositioned so that vertical position of doors can be adjusted (higher//lower) C. Adjusting this screw will position doors horizontally (changes gap between doors) Kluis kast.cdr 16.09.2014 V1.2...