vegetables and pasta. It is also good with fish and meat dishes.
Italian tomato sauce
Tomatoes – 4-6
Onions – 40 gm
Garlic – 2 cloves
Celeries – 40 gm
Parsley greens
Basil – several leaves
Vegetable oil – 2-4 table-spoons
Salt, pepper – to your taste
Blend all the ingredients, salt and pepper to your taste. Put it
into a pan and stew for several minutes, always stirring.
Tatar sauce
Pickled cucumbers - 4
Garlic – 5-6 cloves
Mayonnaise – 250 gm
Chop the cucumbers and garlic in the blender, add mayon-
naise, blend carefully and put into the fridge for 15 minutes.
Velvety soup with zucchinis
2 mid-sized sliced zucchinis
Butter - 2 table-spoons
Onions (thin-sliced) – 2 table-spoons
Garlic - 1 big clove
Curry powder - 1 tea-spoon
Cream – 1/2 glass
Chicken broth – 1/2 l
Stew zucchinis, onions and garlic with butter uncovered in a
frying pan. The vegetables must be soft, but not fried. Chop the
stewed vegetables in the blender. Add the broth, cream and
curry and blend again carefully. Simmer until the soup boils, take
off and serve.
Thick mushroom soup
Butter – 60 gm
Mushrooms – 250 gm
Chicken broth – 560 ml
French mustard – 1 tea-spoon
Cream - 125 ml
Chives (sliced) – 1 table-spoon
Chop the mushrooms. Melt the butter in a pan add the mush-
rooms and cook, stirring, until the mushrooms are soft. Add the
broth, mustard and cream, boil. Cool a little and pour the soup into
the blender, blend until smooth. Add chives, put the soup back
into the pan and warm without boiling.
Potato soup with broccoli and cheese
Olive oil – 2 table-spoons
Potatoes – 2
Onions – 1
Broccoli – 225 gm
Blue cheese (like Roquefort) – 125 gm
Vegetable bullion – 1 l
Cream 33 % fat – 150 ml