Aegis Padlock 3.0 Guide De Référence

Aegis Padlock 3.0 Guide De Référence

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Quick Start Guide
First-Time Use / Admin Mode Setup
if you are using the Aegis Configurator (sold separately) to set up your
Padlock 3.0, first ensure that the device to be configured has the "configurable"
logo on the belly label.
SETUP steps below; The Aegis Configurator will only recognize devices in their factory "out of box" state
or devices that have been completely reset.
Each Aegis Padlock 3.0 is shipped without a preset Personal Identification Number (PIN.) To prepare the Key for
use, the user must first establish an Admin PIN that is between 7 and 16 digits in length. PINs cannot contain all
consecutive numbers or all the same numbers (e.g. 123456789, 987654321 or 11111111, 22222222, etc.This
Admin PIN is used to set the Secure Key's various Admin features and also serves as the first of two User PINS
for the Secure Key's standard operation.
To Set Up the Admin PIN:
1. Plug the Padlock 3 into a powered USB port.
PIN has been established.)
2. Press
+ 9 simultaneously.
3. Enter the PIN to be used as your Admin code and press
momentarily and
4. Quickly re-enter that same PIN once more and press
LED will illuminate for one second until replaced by the
PIN has been set and the Padlock 3.0 is in Admin mode, ready to add another User PIN [see reverse] or for
setting up features.)
5. To exit the Admin mode, press
return to standby mode.
6. If no additional users or Admin features are to be enabled, your Padlock 3.0 setup is now complete and ready
for use.
Remember to memorize and save your PIN in a safe
place. For advanced features and settings, refer to
the complete user's manual loaded onto your Aegis
Padlock drive or online at:
Also, DO NOT perform the following Manual Admin and USER PIN
LED will glow solidly and
LED will blink 3 times by itself, then will continue blinking as the
LED will glow solidly) or wait 30 seconds and then Padlock 3.0 will
Adding a New User PIN
There are two ways to establish a User PIN: Admin-generated
while in Admin Mode, and User-generated while Padlock is placed
in User Forced Enrollment State.
1. Enter the Admin Mode by pressing and holding
2. Press and hold
3. Enter the PIN to be used as your User code and press
LED will turn off and
will continue blinking as
4. Quickly re-enter that same PIN once more and press
(If the PIN was successfully added,
turn off, followed by the
that the key has returned to Admin Mode. If PIN is unacceptable
or the second entry doesn't match the first,
three times, followed by solid
LEDs will glow solidly, indicating no Admin
LED will blink.)
(If PIN is accepted,
LED will turn off momentarily and
LED glowing solidly, indicating that the Admin
LED will blink.) Enter the Admin PIN and press
LED will glow solidly.)
+ 1 until the
LED starts blinking.
LED will blink 3 times by itself, then
LED will illuminate for a second or two and then will
LED will turn off
LED glows
+ 0 for five
LED glows solidly and the
LED resumes glowing solidly)
LED will turn off,
LED glowing solidly indicating
LED will flash
/ Blinking


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Aegis Padlock 3.0

  • Page 1 BLUE LED glowing solidly, indicating that the Admin PIN has been set and the Padlock 3.0 is in Admin mode, ready to add another User PIN [see reverse] or for setting up features.) 5. To exit the Admin mode, press (RED LED will glow solidly) or wait 30 seconds and then Padlock 3.0 will...
  • Page 2: Technical Support

    The button can also be used to exit out of the Admin mode. Note: The Aegis Secure Key will not be recognized by any operating system in its locked state. Unlocking the Padlock 3.0 button to wake the drive. (The 1.
  • Page 3 PIN de administrador y que el Padlock 3.0 está en el modo de administrador, lista para agregar otro PIN de usuario [vea el reverso ] o para configurar funciones.) 5.
  • Page 4 Formato para Mac OS El Aegis Padlock 3.0 viene preformateado en NTFS para Windows® y está listo para su uso. Para Mac OS, primero debe formatear la unidad a un sistema de archivos compatible con Mac. Una vez que la unidad se inserta en un puerto USB, abra la Utilidad de disco de Mac desde Aplicaciones / Utilidades / Utilidades de disco y realice lo siguiente: 1.
  • Page 5: Ajouter Un Nouveau Code Pin Utilisateur

    BLEUE allumée, ce qui indique que le code PIN administrateur a été défini et que le Padlock 3.0 est en mode Admin, prête à ajouter un autre code PIN utilisateur. ] ou pour configurer les fonctionnalités.) 5. Pour quitter le mode Admin, appuyez sur...
  • Page 6: Ajouter Un Nouveau Code Pin Utilisateur (Suite)

    Formatage pour Mac OS L’Aegis “Padlock” 3.0 est préformaté en NTFS pour Windows® et est prêt à être utilisé. Pour Mac OS, vous devez d’abord reformater le lecteur sur un système de fichiers compatible Mac. Une fois le lecteur inséré dans un port USB, ouvrez l’utilitaire de disque Mac à...
  • Page 7 Aegis Secure-Produkte einzurichten, führen Sie KEINEN der unten stehenden Schritte durch; der Aegis Con gurator kann nur Aegis Secure-Produkte im Out-of-Box-Modus erkennen. Jedes Aegis Padlock 3.0 Produkt wird ohne eine vorher festgelegte persönliche Identikationsnummer (PIN) geliefert. Vor dem ersten Gebrauch muss eine sieben- bis sechzehnstellige Admin-PIN eingerichtet werden.
  • Page 8 Ruhemodus zurück und sperrt sich automatisch selbst. Eine rot blinkende LED zeigt eine falsche PIN-Eingabe an. Formatierung für Mac OS Das Aegis Padlock 3.0 ist in NTFS für Windows® vorformatiert und betriebsbereit. Unter Mac OS müssen Sie zuerst das Laufwerk auf ein Mac-kompatibles Dateisystem umformatieren. Sobald das Laufwerk in einen USB-Anschluss eingesteckt ist, öffnen Sie das Mac-Festplatten-Dienstprogramm unter Programme / Dienstprogramme / Festplatten-...
  • Page 9: Guida Rapida

    (Il LED ROSSO secondi e il lucchetto 3.0 tornerà in modalità standby.) 6. Se non è necessario abilitare altri utenti o funzioni di amministrazione, l’installazione di Padlock 3.0 è ora completa e pronta per l’uso. Aggiunta di un nuovo PIN utente Esistono due modi per stabilire un PIN utente: generato dall’amminis-...
  • Page 10 Formattazione per Mac OS Aegis Padlock 3.0 è preformattato in NTFS per Windows® ed è pronto per l’uso. Per Mac OS, è necessario prima riformattare l’unità su un file system compatibile con Mac. Una volta inserita l’unità in una porta USB, apri l’Utility Mac Disk da Applicazioni / Utility / Utility disco ed esegui le seguenti operazioni: 1.

Table des Matières