Modular spiral staircase in metal, with round section and adjustable spacers
Number of steps and "floortofloor" height
11 + 1 steps : 2520‐2760 mm (8 3 1/4" ‐ 9 0")
12 + 1 steps : 2730‐2990 mm (8 11 1/2" ‐ 9 9 3/4")
13 + 1 steps : 2940‐3220 mm (9 7 3/4" ‐ 10 6 3/4")
Of stamped plate, with adhesive non‐slippery strips
Standard Min 210 mm (8 1/4"); Max 230 mm (9") (for risers 200 ÷ 210 mm (7 7/8" ÷ 8 1/4"); 230 ÷ 240 mm
(9"÷ 9 1/2") it is possible to cut the balusters during the assembly)
With metal steel tubing balusters Ø 22 mm (7/8") (clear space among the balusters < 100 mm, 4").
Flexible plastic handrail (handrail height = 1000 mm, 39 3/8")
Finishes and colours
Metal: plastic coated.
Plastic componentes, rubber matting and screws: black.
a) Packing with 11 complete simple steps Ø 1200, 1400, 1600 mm (47 1/4", 55 1/8", 63")
b) Packing with complete landing platform Ø 1250, 1450, 1650 mm (49 1/4", 57 1/8", 65")
c) Packing with one simple extra step Ø 1200, 1400, 1600 mm (47 1/4", 55 1/8", 63")
d) Packing balustrade 1000 mm (39 3/8") long section (handrail apart)
e) Packing "safety‐riser" for 11 steps
Before starting to install the stair:
‐ check well all staircase well dimension;
‐make sure that in the installation area there are no pipes or power cables to prevent damaging these;
‐ check the bearing capacity of the pavement.
Assemble the pole in the sequence indicated, locking the elements firmly together, levering using a pin
in the holes in the tubes.
Position the post with reference to the opening, arranging the landing step on the exit side of the stair.
Before securing the platform, make sure of its perfect horizontality by the use of the level tube. Before
taking the measure of the holes in the floor for the center pole, block temporarily the platform on the pole
to avoid traveling and measurement errors. In the case of wooden floor/slab use only screws for wood, of
the hanger bolt/leg bolt type, to replace those provided exclusively suited to reinforced concrete.
Regulate the plastic spacers adjusting the ring nut, leaving between the two edges a distance equivalent
to: Riser – 170 mm (6 11/16"). It is necessary to give a half turn more to the flange of all plastic spacers, so
as to increase the average height and recover the tolerances of the threading when you compact the stair.
Attention: in the first rise, from the average height of the plastic spacer must be deducted the thickness of
the central pole plate.
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