You will now be prompted to choose the
alarm type. There are three options - Daily,
Weekdays, Weekends. Use the
remote to choose and SELECT to confirm
Finally, you will be given the option to set the
alarm volume level. Use the
remote to adjust the level and SELECT to
confirm choice.
Mondo will now save the alarm settings
When the alarm sounds, pressing the
button will stop the alarm.
Snooze Mode
During an alarm activation, pressing
SELECT will take Mondo into Snooze
mode. The default snooze duration is 5
minutes, this can be increased to 10, 15 or
30 minutes by repeated presses of
on your
on your
A la rm 1 W i z ar d
D ai ly
A la rm 1 W i z ar d
Al a r m
Sa v e d
S n oo z e
5 m i nu t es